a.) [name]Jude[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Benson[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Renee[/name] [name]Benson[/name]
b.) [name]Jude[/name] [name]Alec[/name] [name]Benson[/name] and [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Benson[/name]
Right away I like [name]Jude[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] better than [name]Jude[/name] [name]Alec[/name]; then you have the 1-3-2 instead of 1-2-2 for syllables. It has a nicer flow to it!
[name]Beatrice[/name] in my mind is a better fit with [name]Jude[/name]. I’m around age 20 and I have 5 close friends named [name]Hannah[/name]! It’s extremely popular with my generation!
I think [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] have a similar feel, they are vintage and quirky but also fairly familiar without being popular.
While I think that a 1 syllable middle would go nicely with [name]Beatrice[/name], that is just me being picky. [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Renee[/name] sounds nice!
I love the names [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name]! I also think that [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] is a good combo, both names are quite rare and vintage.
I like [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] better as a sibset but I like the name [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Lydia[/name] better, if that makes sense. I think that either way, the names are nice. I prefer [name]Jude[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] better than [name]Jude[/name] [name]Alec[/name] but its okay.
[name]Jude[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] are much much much much better together, [name]Hannah[/name] is sooo common these days so wouldn’t go well witlh [name]Jude[/name] at all. I’m 17 and I know so many Hannahs it’s ridiculous. [name]Jude[/name] is my second favorite boys’ name and I like the style of [name]Beatrice[/name]. I like [name]Jude[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] better than [name]Jude[/name] [name]Alec[/name] just because it looks better when the names aren’t the exact same length. [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Renee[/name] kinda clashes because the R sounds are so close to each other…[name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Lydia[/name] or [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Hannah[/name] maybe?