Best Names From The Vampire Diaries?

Okay… so I just finished The Vampire Diaries yesterday and I have always been obsessed with the names on the show, I’d say that 85% of the names on the show I like. A perfect show for name nerds! So much so that I’d consider several of them myself despite the evil character associations. :stuck_out_tongue:

[name_m]Alaric[/name_m] “[name_m]Ric[/name_m]”
[name_f]Annabelle[/name_f] “[name_f]Anna[/name_f]”
[name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m] “[name_m]Enzo[/name_m]” - Heavily contemplating [name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m] or [name_f]Amara[/name_f] for SO’s Italian heritage. Falling more in love with [name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m] all the time!

What are your favourites from the show?
