Between Arya and Micaela....which name to you like best

I like strong yet pretty girls names. I was set on [name]Micaela[/name] (this spelling) but came across the name [name]Arya[/name]…what do you think??

I like [name]Arya[/name], but prefer [name]Anya[/name] as a name that’s similar. I pronounce [name]Arya[/name] the same as [name]Aria[/name] and it sounds pretty and feminine to me. I’m not sure that strong would be the first thing I think of for that name. [name]Anya[/name], on the other hand, sounds strong to me!

[name]Arya[/name] looks too much like “[name]Aryan[/name] race” to me–the “perfect race” that Hitler was trying to produce through the Holocaust. That turns me off to the name. I would like [name]Aria[/name] very much. [name]Micaela[/name] is nice as well, but consider the trouble she would have correcting spelling all her life, as the more common spellings are [name]Michaela[/name] and [name]McKayla[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are nice sounds, but I recommend rethinking the spellings of each.

I would go with [name]Micaela[/name], [name]Arya[/name] also reminds me of [name]Aryan[/name] and just doesn’t have a pretty sound.

I like [name]Arya[/name]. I’ve been put off [name]Michaela[/name] after all the terrible phonetic spellings people use these days "-_-

I like [name]Arya[/name].

I think of awesome [name]Arya[/name] Stark from A Song of Ice and [name]Fire[/name]. She’s so cool! [name]Micaela[/name] is pretty too though.

I really like [name]Arya[/name]/[name]Aria[/name]. I’ve never been a fan of [name]Micaela[/name].

I like [name]Aria[/name] spelled this way

I love [name]Arya[/name]/[name]Aria[/name]. I am a huge fan of A Song of Ice and [name]Fire[/name], and love her character! I had it on my list for girl’s names, until it started getting too popular too quickly! :frowning:

I never cared for [name]Micaela[/name] or any of its variations. It sounds to trendy/cool.

I like [name]Micaela[/name] better

They both like misspellings of names.

[name]Arya[/name] brings to minds the [name]Aryan[/name] race that was Hitler’s ideal and reason for the Holocaust.

[name]Aria[/name] is a beautiful name, [name]Michaela[/name] is decent enough.