Between these two?... (poll)

I’m a trans boy, btw.

  • Asher
  • Caleb

0 voters


  • Makes me think happy thoughts
  • Ash is a good nickname


  • Makes me think of [name_u]Ashley[/name_u] (bad connotation)
  • Worried it’d sound off with my 2 syllable, -er last name


  • Name of a very very good friend (who spells it with a K)
  • I like the sound and meaning


  • Name of a very very good friend (who spells it with a K)
  • Others in my friend group don’t like said friend

I like that [name_u]Asher[/name_u] makes you think happy thoughts, so that got my vote!!
Also, I’m clearly biased, but I agree that [name_u]Ash[/name_u] is a good nickname :slight_smile:

Honestly, after reading your pros and cons for each name, I think you should keep looking.


I prefer the happy [name_u]Asher[/name_u]

I prefer [name_u]Asher[/name_u] for you, but I agree that the repetition of the -er ending is not ideal. If you really like [name_u]Ash[/name_u] as a nickname, perhaps you would like [name_u]Ashby[/name_u] or Joash? [name_m]Felix[/name_m] also comes to mind, probably because it means “lucky, fortunate”. Wishing you the best of luck choosing your name!