Beverly not getting love

[name]Just[/name] finished reading [name]Beverly[/name] [name]Cleary[/name]'s autobiography and it occurred to me that the name [name]Beverly[/name] is not getting nearly the same love and attention that other same-vintage similar sounding names like [name]Evelyn[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name] are (Top names of the 1930s). The nickname [name]Bev[/name] is cute and it also has the built in [name]Ever[/name] which is kind of trendy right now.

It must suffer from the same problem that [name]Barbara[/name], [name]Norma[/name] and [name]Betty[/name] do. I wonder if it has any potential to ever come back . . .

I actually love the name [name]Beverly[/name]. I think it’d be a great comeback name.

I love it without the B… [name]Everly[/name]!

I just don’t like the sound of [name]Beverly[/name] / [name]Everly[/name].

My name is [name]Beverly[/name] [name]Diane[/name]. As you can see, I like Everlea much better. I was born in the 70s and my mom was going to name me [name]Jennifer[/name] [name]Renee[/name]. I sometimes get called [name]Valerie[/name], and [name]Beth[/name] instead of [name]Bev[/name]. I was the only girl in school with the name. Now I’m the only one at my workplace of over 500+ employees with the name. I think [name]Beatrice[/name] (the name of [name]Beverly[/name] Clearly’s character Beezus) is cuter.

Hmm, I like the sound of [name]Beverly[/name] but cant imagine using it. I guess its in that group of names I associate with my parents generation. I would sooner use [name]Betty[/name] or [name]Norma[/name], but theyre both names I think of as being older (even though theres obv. tons of overlap).

I dont think its gone forever though…I bet a few decades down the road we see little Beverlys, Valeries, Sheilas, and Susans. Maybe even some little Lindas and Debbies.

I like [name]Beverly[/name], though I prefer it for a boy.

I really like the name [name]Beverly[/name]! I would love to see a little [name]Beverly[/name] running around. I agree that it may be ready for a comeback. I like the name in it’s entirety, and think it’s sounds fresh that way. However, I feel the nn [name]Bev[/name] does feel dated, (maybe because I know of a couple middle-aged Bevs?) Anyway, I say go for it if you are really in love with it!

As this post says, I think [name]Beverly[/name] is unfairly dated. She fits in with several current trends for girls (-ly ending, the vibrant “v”, surname, associated with the rich and famous) but suffers from the fact that she was ahead of the curve for her time.

Thanks for the link to the unfairly dated blog post agirlinred. I love the middle name suggestion as it avoids the [name]Bev[/name] nickname that people seem to be wary of.

I like a lot of ‘mom’ names. I think [name]Linda[/name] or [name]Nancy[/name] or [name]Joan[/name] could sound fresh & surprising on a cute little girl. [name]Beverly[/name] isn’t one I want to see make a comeback…but I dont like [name]Ever[/name] or [name]Everly[/name] or [name]Waverly[/name] so maybe that’s why. I also dislike [name]Bev[/name].

I don’t like it at all. I think it’s in the [name]Joan[/name], [name]Norma[/name], [name]Moira[/name] category - that is, never coming back (I hope - but am probably wrong!)

everlea, its funny that you would say that as my mom said the same thing this morning that she knows no other [name]Beverly[/name]'s and yet it was #34 for the year she was born and I know at least 5 others in her age group~but that was in the 1950s…

as stated above, its my mothers name, and I have tried to find a way to work it into a mn for a future daughter but its a hard name to work with:/ its a first spot kind of name…but i do not like it as a fn for a little girl…

I do like [name]Everly[/name] but being that my son has my dads full name as his mn, Id like to find something to work with [name]Beverly[/name]…I’ve considered her mn, [name]Gail[/name], as well as its after her aunt so its a family name(as is my sons mn)

Any suggestions as to what fn works with beverly as a mn? or other variations of [name]Beverly[/name]?

[name]Beverly[/name]'s ok to me. I associate it with my mum’s generation though. Sort of like the names [name]Cindy[/name],[name]Jan[/name],[name]Colleen[/name] etc.

I’m also with the 100 year rule on [name]Beverly[/name]. Maybe some of our kids or grandchildren will be named [name]Beverly[/name] but, I doubt it’s going to get popular until late 2030’s early 2040’s.

I can see it coming back in in the future, I agree it was ahead of its time, it is quite close to [name]Everly[/name] and [name]Waverly[/name].

I don’t care for it, for reasons I can’t explain. But I mean, it’s no horrible reaction. No worse than [name]Norma[/name]. I do like [name]Linda[/name] better. [name]Ah[/name] well. I think our reactions to dated names are pretty idiosyncratic (much like reactions to all names!)

[name]Gail[/name] [name]Beverly[/name] is OK, but [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Beverly[/name] would be more in keeping with the times, and I like it better, but maybe it’s a little too in keeping for the times for you, since [name]Abby[/name] is so popular right now (well, [name]Abigail[/name] is too)? I think even though that’s true [name]Abigail[/name]'s a classic, and her nn could be [name]Gail[/name] if you really wanted to avoid [name]Abby[/name]. [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Beverly[/name] is growing on me more the more I say it! Maybe the double B : D? B tends to work well alliteratively, [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Beverly[/name], [name]Bronwen[/name] [name]Beverly[/name], or maybe M or P names?

The meaning generally connects to beavers, and some internet searching claims it connects to the name/place name Beauvoir. Beauvoir as a variant? Tres chic! gives a few names from indigenous American languages related to the meaning Beaver:
Kesegoomsk (probably not!)
Kobet (actually kind of intriguing!)
Mtae (hmm)
Tayanita (pretty!)

The Bever part connects to beavers, the ly part connects to stream or valley, like [name]Lee[/name]/Ley/[name]Leigh[/name] generally. So you could also just use one of those. They are sort of filler-ish, but with an elegant or complicated enough first name ([name]Beatrice[/name]/[name]Beatrix[/name]?) work quite well.

Good luck!