I like the idea of this. I’m a [name]Christian[/name], too, and I like that the majority of the names on my list somehow incorporate my faith, even if they’re not overtly Biblical. Like:
[name]Isabelle[/name]. A French form of [name]Elizabeth[/name]/[name]Elisabeth[/name]. I think the story of when [name]Mary[/name] went to visit [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]John[/name] leapt in her womb is really cool. I like the French connection to the name, as well, as my best friend was French and passed away last year just before [name]Christmas[/name].
[name]Arianne[/name]. Means “very holy one”. I just like the connection to holiness.
[name]Magdalena[/name]. Not on my list, but I like that it reminds me of the redemption of [name]Mary[/name] [name]Magdalene[/name], and what a beautiful story she has. Same thing for [name]Magda[/name].
[name]Arabella[/name]. It means “prayerful”, which I think is wonderful. Prayer means a lot to me, so I just think that connection is really cool.
[name]Annabel[/name]/[name]Anneliese[/name]/[name]Annika[/name]/[name]Anais[/name]/[name]Hannah[/name]. They all mean “grace/favor”–and without God’s grace and favor, where would I be? [name]Grace[/name] is also my grandma’s MN, so I like the connection to that.
[name]Evangeline[/name]. Means “messenger”, I believe. Or spreader of Good News or something.
[name]Johanna[/name]/[name]Giovanna[/name]/[name]Jane[/name]/etc. They all mean “God is gracious”, which is pretty awesome.
[name]Virtue[/name] names like [name]Faith[/name], [name]Joy[/name], [name]Hope[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Verity[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], etc. are great, too, imo.
[name]Lily[/name]/[name]Lilia[/name]/[name]Lillian[/name]/[name]Liliana[/name]/[name]Lilibet[/name]/etc. [name]One[/name] of [name]Jesus[/name]’ names is “[name]Lily[/name] of the [name]Valley[/name]”. This is a personal favorite on my list, because my brother’s birth flower is the lily of the valley, the last gift my grandmother gave me before she was laid to rest was a lily, and I love that the name [name]Lily[/name] could honor [name]Jesus[/name] without sounding sacrilegious.
[name]Tess[/name]. It means “harvester”. While I just like the imagery of fall harvest in general (another of the dozens of reasons I adore fall!), it always makes me think of the time when [name]Jesus[/name] was talking about how the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
[name]Rachel[/name]. [name]Just[/name] a Biblical name I adore!
[name]Eleni[/name]/[name]Helena[/name]/[name]Elena[/name]/etc. They have several meanings, but one of them is “reed”, which I love for the connection to [name]Isaiah[/name] 42:3 which says “A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice.” I’m not sure what the whole verse means, but to me it sort of suggests that when someone’s faith is weak and that person is beat down and feels like they have no hope at all but they’re still clinging to [name]Jesus[/name], He won’t disappoint them and He’ll take care of them. So that’s another reason why I love [name]Eleni[/name]/[name]Helena[/name] (besides the fact that it honors my sister, I adore the nn [name]Leni[/name], and I love the Shakespearean connection to [name]Helena[/name]!).
[name]Olive[/name]/[name]Olivia[/name]. I like the Shakespearean connection and the imagery of peace, but more than that, I love the fact that Oliv- names remind me of the Mount of Olives, where [name]Jesus[/name] spent so much time both with His disciples and in prayer to His [name]Heavenly[/name] Father. Also, I love the connection to Psalm 52:8: “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”
Those are just a few examples, haha. I figure most people will be listing outright Bible names like [name]Eve[/name], [name]Mary[/name], [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Miriam[/name], [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Tabitha[/name], etc., all of which are lovely and so wonderful, but I think names like [name]Arianne[/name]/[name]Ariana[/name], [name]Magdalena[/name], [name]Arabella[/name], [name]Olive[/name], etc. deserve their Biblical recognition, too!
Good luck!