I have been mulling over baby names for a while now, our surprise gender little one is due April 1st.
We love earthy/vintage & family names best.
We already have two daughters “Chava Mae (hebrew for eve, silent c ~ also my mothers middle name) & Hazel Oak” …their full names are actually Chavilah Mae & Hazel Oak Olivet though!
If we have a boy, we will probably name them Woodrow “Woods” ~ also family name
Our 5 yr old daughter has been calling this baby ‘Fern’ since we found out we were expecting, and now her little sister hazel does the same. Its seriously hard not to feel a little attactched to the name at this point, Im not sure why- but she is quite set on fern. And it feels like it fits, I always liked it, but it truly feels like part of us now. Its made me love it. As well as my husband, who wasnt much if a fan at first actually.
Does that make sense?
Should also mention, shes not one for naming things. Like most of the names she picks for things are like, made up noises no one can remember haha. I mention names often, but no other name has stuck like this at all for her.
Has anyone else had a child feel like this about a baby on the way? Has it influenced your decision?
We’ve of coarse assured her that we dont know the gender, and it will be a surprise, and we wont choose a name until we meet them, but its for sure been a big part of our naming journey with this baby!
I sort of feel like unless this baby just does NOT feel like a Fern when we meet them, (if they are in fact a girl at all-) Fern needs to be in her name.
Any similar stories out there?
Thats all
No decisions have been made of coarse, just find it to be an interesting circumstance. Need to find more fern middle name options maybe…