I hope you have fun! Use: Wizards of the Coast
You: FN - A name starting with the last letter of your first name / MN - A name starting with the first letter of your last name / LN - The last name of your favorite teacher
a) [name_m]How[/name_m] old are you? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6.
1 - 24
2 - 26
3 - 21
4 - 23
5 - 27
6 - 29
b) Where are you from? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6.
1 - USA
2 - [name_f]Canada[/name_f]
3 - [name_f]England[/name_f]
4 - Germany
5 - [name_f]France[/name_f]
6 - Spain
c) Which city? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 4.
If you rolled a 1 - (1) Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f] (2) Chicago (3) San [name_m]Antonio[/name_m] (4) [name_m]Boston[/name_m]
If you rolled a 2 - (1) Vancouver (2) Toronto (3) Calgary (4) [name_m]Halifax[/name_m]
If you rolled a 3 - (1) [name_u]Bristol[/name_u] (2) Mancestor (3) [name_m]Oxford[/name_m] (4) [name_m]Dover[/name_m]
If you rolled a 4 - (1) Munich (2) Frankfurt (3) [name_m]Dresden[/name_m] (4) Bremen
If you rolled a 5 - (1) Nice (2) Orléans (3) [name_m]Toulouse[/name_m] (4) [name_m]Dijon[/name_m]
If you rolled a 6 - (1) [name_f]Seville[/name_f] (2) [name_f]Barcelona[/name_f] (3) Guadalajara (4) [name_m]Santiago[/name_m]
d) What’s your job? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 12.
1 - Elementary School Teacher or Programmer
2 - [name_m]Doctor[/name_m] or Freelance Artist
3 - [name_m]Bank[/name_m] Teller or Mechanic
4 - Singer or Accountant
5 - Stunt Double or Video Game Designer
6 - High School Teacher or [name_m]Author[/name_m]
7 - Actor or Detective
8 - Business Owner or Police Officer
9 - Waiter/ess or [name_u]Fortune[/name_u] Teller
10 - Store Manager or Architect
11 - College Professor or Chef
12 - Nurse or Firefighter
e) Parents/Guardians? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 8.
1 - Raised by married parents
2 - Raised in foster care
3 - Divorced parents with joint custody
4 - Divorced parents, raised by mother
5 - Raised by grandparents
6 - Raised by aunt/uncle
7 - Divorced parents, raised by father
8 - Raised by adoptive family
If parents are divorced, roll any die 6 and on 1, gain a step-parent.
f) Siblings? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6.
1 - 3 siblings
2 - 5 siblings
3 - 1 sibling
4 - 2 siblings
5 - 6 siblings
6 - 4 siblings
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] any die to determine gender; even - girl, odd - boy. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6, on 1-3 they are older, on 4-6 they are younger. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 10 for how many years older/younger.
Names for parents/siblings. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 10 twice for each person.
1 - FN: Baby names inspired by the solar system - BabyCentre UK / MN: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/roman_names.php#.WCKg8mQrIzA
2 - FN: BARK Post: Dog News, Guides, Reviews, & Cool Stuff from BARK / MN: http://www.randomnames.com/ (roll 10 times)
3 - FN: Baby name inspiration: 60 cool superhero baby names – and their meanings | Closer / MN: 153 Cornish Baby Names | Nameberry
4 - FN: Fictional Characters from Books - Behind the Name / MN: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/cowboy-names.php#.WCKhEGQrIzA
5 - FN: http://users.pgtc.com/~slmiller/namelist.htm / MN: 100 Color Baby Names: Meanings & Origins
6 - FN: Old fashioned baby names | Nameberry / MN: https://www.disneybaby.com/blog/50-baby-names-inspired-by-flowers/
7 - FN: http://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/mythology/popularity/united-states / MN: http://babynames.allparenting.com/babynames/Ideas/Baby_names_with_lots_of_vowels/
8 - FN: https://nameberry.com/blog/four-syllable-names-a-whole-lotta-name / MN: http://ilovewerewolves.com/150-vampire-names-both-ancient-and-modern/
9 - FN: Random Name Generator (roll 10 times)/ MN: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/shadowhunter-chronicles-names.php#.WCKhcGQrIzA
10 - FN: Literary Names | Nameberry / MN: Exotic Lite Baby Names | Nameberry
Spouse: FN - A name that is three syllables long / MN - A name that starts with a vowel / LN: The last name of a celebrity who was popular in the 1960s
Repeat questions (a-f) for spouse, wait on (c-d) in case you roll a 1 or 2 for the next question. Spouse is from the same country as you.
g) [name_m]How[/name_m] did you meet? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6.
1 - At work (give spouse same job or other job in same workplace)
2 - During childhood (have spouse be from same city)
3 - Through friends
4 - Make your own story
5 - In school
6 - At a party
h) [name_m]How[/name_m] many years did you date before you got married? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 4.
1 - 4 years
2 - 1 year
3 - 3 years
4 - 2 years
i) Where did you move after you got married? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 4.
1 - In your home city.
2 - In spouse’s home city.
3 - A different city in the same country. Reroll (c).
4 - In a new country. Reroll (b) and (c).
j) Did you get a pet or two? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 8.
1 - Yes, a rabbit
2 - Yes, two cats
3 - Yes, a snake
4 - No
5 - Yes, a dog
6 - Yes, a cat
7 - No
8 - Yes, two dogs
[name_f]Pet[/name_f] Names: [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 4
1 - Adopt-a-Pet.com Blog 250 fun pet names - Adopt-a-Pet.com Blog
2 - Unusual Pet Names (any page 1-11)
3 - http://niftypetnames.com/pet-names-disney-movies/
4 - http://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/selecting-a-dog/naming-your-dog/top-1200-pet-names
k) [name_m]How[/name_m] many kids do you have? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 20.
1 - 4 kids
2 - 8 kids
3 - 3 kids
4 - 7 kids
5 - 5 kids
6 - 3 kids
7 - 2 kids
8 - 1 kid
9 - 1 kid
10 - 4 kids
11 - 3 kids
12 - 5 kids
13 - 6 kids
14 - 7 kids
15 - 5 kids
16 - 1 kid
17 - 6 kids
18 - 2 kids
19 - 4 kids
20 - 2 kids
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] any dice to determine gender; even - girl, odd - boy. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 20 for ages.
Names for children. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 10 twice for each child.
1 - FN: A name from a Disney movie/ MN: Father/Mother’s middle name
2 - FN: Greek mythology name / MN: December Names - British Baby Names
3 - FN: Edgy baby names for your little boy or girl – SheKnows / MN: A name ending in C, H, L, S, or W
4 - FN: British Baby Names: Top names in England / MN: Baby Name Generator - Girl Names, Boy Names, and Unisex Names | Best Little Baby
5 - FN: Star Trek baby names from the 7 different TV series - Name meaning, origin, variations and more / MN: A name starting with B, K, P, T, or V
6 - FN: http://www.magicbabynames.com/ (choose from first page) / MN: Egyptian mythology name
7 - FN: Most Popular Baby Names 2016 | Nameberry / MN: Grandpa/Grandma’s first name
8 - FN: Golden Age Hollywood - British Baby Names / MN: 22 'Star Wars' Baby Names for Your Little Jedi
9 - FN: A sports related name / MN: River Names - British Baby Names
10 - FN: Bones | Nameberry / MN: http://www.momjunction.com/articles/tolkein-elvish-baby-names-for-girls-and-boys_00405217/#gref
[name_m]Add[/name_m] twenty years. [name_f]Every[/name_f] child over twenty-three is now married; add a spouse for them, you can choose any name(s) you want for their spouses.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 4 for children 25-29 years of age for the number of children they now have. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 6 for children 30-35 years of age for the number of children they have. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 8 for children 36-40 years of age for the children they now have.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] any dice to determine gender; even - girl, odd - boy. [name_m]Add[/name_m] ages as you see fit.
Names for grandchildren. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] die 10 twice for each child.
1 - FN: One of your favorites / MN: Grandpa/Grandma’s first name
2 - FN: A name from a book / MN: Br-ee-zily Pl-ee-sing Surnames - British Baby Names
3 - FN: 11 uncommon and unusual boy names | BabyCenter / MN: http://www.randomnames.com/ (roll 10 times)
4 - FN: Norse mythology name / MN: https://nameberry.com/blog/four-syllable-names-a-whole-lotta-name
5 - FN: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/cowboy-names.php#.WCKhEGQrIzA / MN: A name from a song
6 - FN: Baby Name Generator - Girl Names, Boy Names, and Unisex Names | Best Little Baby / MN: http://www.parenting.com/baby-names/lists/most-unusual-picks-top-1000-us-names
7 - FN: A name starting with A, F, J, M, or Q / MN: Father/Mother’s middle name
8 - FN: Modern Antiquity - British Baby Names / MN: [name_m]Roman[/name_m] mythology name
9 - FN: http://baby.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Baby_Name_Generator_with_Parents_Names / MN: A name starting with C, G, L, S, or W
10 - FN: http://www.parentschoiceformula.com/baby-names-finder.aspx (A, M, or S; [name_m]French[/name_m] or English) / MN: Most Popular Names of 2018….so far | Nameberry
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