BNG with dice and pictures-Super fun!

Me: [name]Tancy[/name] [name]May[/name] Fredette.

Husband: [name]Rory[/name] [name]Tyler[/name] Fredette.

Daughter: [name]Polexia[/name] [name]Marisa[/name] Fredette.

Daughter: [name]Elara[/name] [name]Alyson[/name] Fredette.

Daughter: [name]Peyton[/name] [name]Annemarie[/name] Fredette.

[name]Son[/name]: [name]Canton[/name] [name]Peter[/name] Fredette.

Dad: [name]Peter[/name] [name]Everett[/name] [name]Murphy[/name].

Husband’s Grandmother: [name]Lorenza[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name] [name]Aldrich[/name].

Daughter: [name]Lorena[/name] [name]Antia[/name] Fredette.

Single [name]Man[/name]: [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Carlisle[/name] DeWolfe.

[name]Doctor[/name]: [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Jessica[/name] Larned.

Daughter: [name]Gwyneth[/name] [name]Tessa[/name] DeWolfe.

Daughter: [name]Kinsley[/name] [name]Lea[/name] DeWolfe.

Daughter: [name]Lila[/name] [name]Avery[/name] DeWolfe.

Daughter: [name]Mary[/name] [name]Beth[/name] DeWolfe.

Daughter: [name]Fantasia[/name] [name]Ann[/name] DeWolfe.

[name]Son[/name]: [name]Pax[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] DeWolfe.

Use this dice or antdice you prefer…(8 sides)

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Shane[/name] [name]Asher[/name] [name]Smith[/name].
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…
7. 2 girls and one boy

Name(s): [name]Sofia[/name] [name]Rose[/name], [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Marie[/name], [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] ([name]Alex[/name])
Picture(s): (left to right [name]Sofia[/name], [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Alex[/name],

After your first children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devastated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succeed! Yeah!

  1. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? [name]Aubree[/name]
What is her name? [name]Aubrey[/name] [name]Ann[/name]

After your 2nd child’s 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Hawaii[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Adam[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Sherry[/name] [name]Dee[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Dee[/name]

Soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Shane[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to separate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocery store you run into a new single man who just loves kids. He is a very tall, tanned Italian man with black hair.
What is his name?: [name]Adamo[/name] ([name]Adam[/name]) Antino [name]Martin[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 babies! This is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family! You and [name]Adam[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.

2 moths into your pregnancy, [name]Adam[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!

4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 preemie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…

  1. 3 girls + 2 boys

What are their names? [name]Emma[/name] [name]Hope[/name], [name]Jackson[/name] [name]Noah[/name], [name]Maia[/name] [name]Valerie[/name], [name]Carter[/name] [name]Aaron[/name], [name]Ava[/name] [name]Faith[/name] (all their middle names mean strong, fighter, brave, etc.)

Girls: left to right [name]Emma[/name], [name]Maia[/name], [name]Ava[/name]

Boys: left to right [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Carter[/name]






After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Adam[/name] decide to get married.
Where do you have the wedding.
6. in [name]Hawaii[/name]

Picture of your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in [name]China[/name] you find out your pregnant, AGAIN! This time you find out that you’re having boy.

7:F:S M:C

Name: [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Camden[/name]

After delivering you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

Sooooooooooooooo Fun continued…

This is 22 years later:

[name]Sofia[/name]: [name]Sofia[/name] is a bright 32 year old orthopedic surgeon. She is married to a 34 year old veterinarian named [name]Elijah[/name]. They have 5 kids, [name]Caleb[/name] (age 10), [name]Anna[/name] (age 8), [name]Marcus[/name] ([name]Mark[/name]) (age 4, twin of [name]Mackenzie[/name]), [name]Mackenzie[/name] ([name]Kenzie[/name]) (age 4, twin of [name]Marcus[/name]), [name]Alexa[/name] (age 2).
[name]Sofia[/name] and [name]Elijah[/name]:

[name]Isabella[/name]: [name]Isabella[/name], sometimes goes by [name]Izzy[/name], is a 32 year old preschool teacher. She is married to [name]Ethan[/name], a 33 year old pharmacist. They currently have 2 little girl and [name]Isabella[/name] is currently pregnant with a little boy. The girls names are [name]Emily[/name] (age 6) and [name]Carly[/name] (age 3) and are planning on naming their little boy [name]Bentley[/name].
[name]Isabella[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]:

[name]Alexander[/name]: [name]Alex[/name] is a 32 year old engineer. He is married to a 31 year old nurse named [name]Jennie[/name]. They have 3 kids, [name]Lydia[/name] (age 10), [name]Liam[/name] (age 7), and [name]Benjamin[/name] ([name]Ben[/name]) (age 4)
[name]Alex[/name] and [name]Jennie[/name]:

[name]Aubrey[/name]: [name]Aubrey[/name] is a 28 year old business manager. She is married to a 29 year old lawyer named [name]Bryce[/name]. They have 1 girl and [name]Aubrey[/name] is pregnant with a little boy. Her name is [name]Zoe[/name] (age 2) and are planning on naming their little boy [name]Ryan[/name].
[name]Aubrey[/name] and [name]Bryce[/name]:

[name]Elizabeth[/name]: [name]Elizabeth[/name], almost always goes by [name]Lizzy[/name]. [name]Lizzy[/name] is a 26 year old photographer. She is married to a 27 year old doctor named [name]Scott[/name]. They have 1 little boy, and are pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. The little boy is named [name]Joshua[/name] ([name]Josh[/name]) (age 2) and they are planning on naming the twins [name]Justin[/name] and [name]Danielle[/name].
[name]Lizzy[/name] and [name]Scott[/name]:,1270410012,5/stock-photo-young-happy-pregnant-woman-and-her-husband-embracing-and-kissing-50212906.jpg
[name]Justin[/name] and [name]Danielle[/name]:

[name]Emma[/name]: [name]Emma[/name] is a 24 year old business lady. She is married to a 26 year old guy in the military named [name]Adam[/name]. They have twin girls named [name]Annabell[/name] and [name]Ellie[/name] (age 1).
[name]Emma[/name] and [name]Adam[/name]:

[name]Jackson[/name]: [name]Jackson[/name], almost always goes by [name]Jack[/name]. [name]Jack[/name] is a 24 year old dentist. He is married to a 23 year old artist named [name]Amelia[/name]. They have 3 kids. [name]Logan[/name] (age 2, and twins [name]Leah[/name] and [name]Lily[/name] (2 months).
[name]Jack[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name]:

[name]Maia[/name]: [name]Maia[/name] is a 24 year old physical therapist. She is married to a 25 year old announcer named [name]Chase[/name]. They have 6 kids [name]Alia[/name] (age 5), [name]Abigail[/name] (age 5), [name]Aidan[/name] (age 3), [name]Ashley[/name] (age 2), [name]Aaron[/name] (age 1), [name]Alana[/name] (age 1). They adopted a [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Aidan[/name], from [name]China[/name], when they were 3 and 1 (they were siblings). They adopted [name]Ashley[/name] and [name]Alia[/name] from [name]Africa[/name], when they were 4 and 1 (they were siblings). So [name]Aaron[/name] and [name]Alana[/name] are their only biological children but they treat them the same.
[name]Maia[/name] and [name]Chase[/name]:,1270410012,5/stock-photo-young-happy-pregnant-woman-and-her-husband-embracing-and-kissing-50212906.jpg

[name]Carter[/name]: [name]Carter[/name] is a 24 year old chemistry teacher. He is married to a 23 year old interior designer, named [name]Alissa[/name]. They have [name]Lauren[/name] (age 4), [name]Micheal[/name] (age 2), and [name]Braden[/name] (age 6 months).
[name]Carter[/name] and [name]Alissa[/name]:

[name]Ava[/name]: [name]Ava[/name] is a 24 year old supermodel. She is married to a 26 year old author named [name]Zachery[/name] ([name]Zach[/name]). They have a twin little girls named [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Madeline[/name] (age 6 months).
[name]Ava[/name] and [name]Zach[/name]:

[name]Samuel[/name]: [name]Sam[/name] is a 22 year old actor. He is married to a 21 year old actress named [name]Teresa[/name]. They have a 3 year old boy and a 2 month old girl. They are named [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Olivia[/name] ([name]Livy[/name])
[name]Sam[/name] and [name]Teresa[/name]:

I loved it was so fun!!!

Couldn’t resist doing it again! :slight_smile:

You ([name]Phoebe[/name] [name]Gracelyn[/name] [name]Powers[/name]) are 23 and was just happily married to ([name]Holden[/name] [name]Michael[/name] [name]Powers[/name]).
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see a cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a… 2. 1 baby boy

Name: [name]Atticus[/name] [name]Harper[/name] [name]Powers[/name]

After your first child/ children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devastated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succeed! Yeah!
Gender: 2. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care a lot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? My mother
What is their name? [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Beth[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Lilith[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name]”

[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name] (nb):

[name]Atticus[/name] (3):

After your 2nd child’s 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Paris[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Holden[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Shirley[/name] [name]Danielle[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Sheridan[/name] [name]Elle[/name] [name]Powers[/name]

[name]Sheridan[/name] (nb):

[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name] (3):

[name]Atticus[/name] (6):

But soon after your latest child is born, you and ([name]Holden[/name]) start having relationship troubles. You decide to separate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocery store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned Italian man with black hair.
What is his name?: [name]Beppo[/name] Giuliani DiFrancesco

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and ([name]Beppo[/name]) decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy, ([name]Beppo[/name]) proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 preemie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
7. boy boy girl boy girl
What are their names?
[name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Matteo[/name] DiFrancesco
[name]Mason[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name] DiFrancesco
[name]Hermione[/name] [name]Gioia[/name] DiFrancesco “[name]Hero[/name]”
[name]Atlas[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name] DiFrancesco
[name]Ninetta[/name] [name]Maria[/name] DiFrancesco “[name]Nina[/name]”

[name]Sawyer[/name] (R), [name]Hero[/name] (C), and [name]Mason[/name] (L) - nb:

[name]Atlas[/name] (L) and [name]Nina[/name] (R) - nb:

[name]Sheridan[/name] (3):

[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name] (6):

[name]Atticus[/name] (9):

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and ([name]Beppo[/name]) decide to finally tie the knot.
Where do you have the wedding?
8.your choice - at a ski lodge in winter
Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in ([name]Italy[/name]) you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having a boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
6:F:D M:M
Name: [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Marcos[/name] DiFrancesco

[name]Dashiell[/name] (nb):

[name]Ninetta[/name] (2):

[name]Mason[/name] (R) and [name]Atlas[/name] (L), (2):

[name]Sawyer[/name] (R) and [name]Hero[/name] (L), (2):

[name]Sheridan[/name] (5):

[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name] (8):

[name]Atticus[/name] (11):

After delivering you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

15 years later…

[name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Marcos[/name] DiFrancesco (15):

[name]Hermione[/name] [name]Gioia[/name] DiFrancesco “[name]Hero[/name]” (17):

[name]Ninetta[/name] [name]Maria[/name] DiFrancesco “[name]Nina[/name]” (17):

[name]Mason[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name] DiFrancesco (L) and [name]Atlas[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name] DiFrancesco (R), (17):

[name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Matteo[/name] DiFrancesco (17):

[name]Sheridan[/name] [name]Elle[/name] [name]Powers[/name] (20):

[name]Lilith[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Lily[/name]-[name]Rose[/name]” (23):

[name]Atticus[/name] [name]Harper[/name] [name]Powers[/name] (26) - with his wife, [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Collins[/name]-[name]Powers[/name] “EJ” (25):

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Liam[/name] [name]Wood[/name].
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…

  1. 2 baby boys

Name(s): [name]Leo[/name] [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Luca[/name] [name]Calvin[/name]

After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)

  1. boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? Uncle [name]Remington[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Remy[/name] [name]Miles[/name]

After your 3rd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to Spain. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Liam[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Rhea[/name] [name]Asha[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Asha[/name] [name]Rae[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Liam[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Angelo[/name] Moretti

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Angelo[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnany, [name]Angelo[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…

2 boy boy boy boy boy

What are their names? [name]Dexter[/name] [name]George[/name], [name]Rufus[/name] [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Max[/name] [name]Dominic[/name], [name]Caleb[/name] [name]Reed[/name], [name]Owen[/name] [name]Harry[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Angelo[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where do you have the wedding(roll the dice)

  1. at a park

Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in [name]Sicily[/name] you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:

6:F:D M:M

Name: [name]Damian[/name] [name]Micah[/name]

After delivering you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

[name]Leo[/name] [name]Ethan[/name] [name]Wood[/name]
[name]Luca[/name] [name]Calvin[/name] [name]Wood[/name]
[name]Remy[/name] [name]Miles[/name] [name]Wood[/name]
[name]Asha[/name] [name]Rae[/name] [name]Wood[/name]
[name]Dexter[/name] [name]George[/name] Moretti
[name]Rufus[/name] [name]Jonah[/name] Moretti
[name]Max[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] Moretti
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]Reed[/name] Moretti
[name]Owen[/name] [name]Harry[/name] Moretti
[name]Damian[/name] [name]Micah[/name] Moretti

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Declan[/name] [name]James[/name] O’[name]Shay[/name].
Picture of you:,1283763046,7/stock-photo-portrait-of-smiling-young-woman-60433537.jpg
Picture of husband:,1296842560,1/stock-photo-young-man-with-glasses-smiling-isolated-on-white-background-70465141.jpg

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see one cute little baby girl on the screen.
If you roll a…

  1. 1 baby girl
    Name(s): [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Faith[/name]

After your first child turns 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
8. boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? Your grandfather
What is their name? [name]Frederick[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Frederick[/name] [name]Lionel[/name]

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Ireland[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Declan[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Matilda[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Matilda[/name] [name]Blaire[/name] [name]Mattie[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Declan[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Gavin[/name] [name]Jacob[/name] [name]Cyrus[/name] .
Picture of you and your husband: Young Couple Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Curly Hair, Heterosexual Couple, White Background - iStock

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see 3 cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…
7. 2 girls and one boy
Name(s): [name]Aria[/name] [name]Hayden[/name], [name]Jaron[/name] [name]Derick[/name], and [name]Kadence[/name] [name]Rose[/name]

After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
8. boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? My Cousin
What is their name? [name]Jordan[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Xander[/name] [name]Jay[/name]
Picture: Baby With Bottle Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Baby - Human Age, Baby Bottle, 6-11 Months - iStock

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Italy[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Gavin[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Madeline[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Madeline[/name]
Picture: Sweet Baby Girl With Flower Headband Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 6-11 Months, Babies Only, Baby - Human Age - iStock

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Gavin[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Leonardo[/name] [name]Vincent[/name] Bianchi

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Leonardo[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnany, [name]Leonardo[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
3. girl boy girl boy girl
What are their names? [name]Nadia[/name] [name]Gabrielle[/name], [name]Kieran[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name], [name]Lucia[/name] [name]Adeline[/name], [name]Damian[/name] [name]Elliott[/name], and [name]Ivanna[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Leonardo[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding(roll the dice)
7. in your backyard
Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in [name]England[/name] you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that youare having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
2.F:C M:J
Name: [name]Chandler[/name] [name]Jackson[/name]

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Tyler[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Orsen[/name].

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…
8. 3 girls
Name(s): Aliviah [name]Faith[/name], [name]Aubree[/name] [name]Hope[/name], [name]Arabella[/name] [name]Grace[/name]

After your first children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devastated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succeed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)

  1. boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care a lot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? his grandpa
What is their name? [name]Grant[/name] [name]Walker[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Grant[/name]

After your 2nd child’s 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Emerald[/name] [name]Isle[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Adam[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Renee[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Noelle[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Adam[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to separate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocery store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned Italian man with black hair.
What is his name? [name]Giovanni[/name] [name]Alanzo[/name] [name]LaVelle[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Gio[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy,[name]Gio[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 preemie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
7. boy boy girl boy girl
What are their names? [name]Luca[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name], Jionni [name]Marco[/name], [name]Gabriella[/name] [name]Vivian[/name], [name]Liliana[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Rocco[/name] [name]Dante[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Giovanni[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where do you have the wedding(roll the dice)
6. in hawaii

While on your honeymoon in [name]Hawaii[/name] you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having a boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
Name: [name]Mason[/name] [name]Dominic[/name]

After delivering your last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.

I’m not doing pictures.

You are 23 {[name]Nancy[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] {[name]Murphy[/name]} [name]Fletcher[/name]} and was just happily married to [name]Eli[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name].

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see cute two baby girls on the screen, whom are to be named [name]Grace[/name] [name]Delilah[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name] & [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name].

After your children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succeed! You become pregnant with a baby boy!

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family. You name him [name]Oliver[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]. [name]Baby[/name] [name]Oliver[/name] is named after your father, [name]James[/name].

After your last baby, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Hawaii[/name]
. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Eli[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her. You name her [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]. [name]Josephine[/name] is [name]Eli[/name]'s late grandmother’s name.

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Eli[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair named [name]Giuliano[/name] [name]Raffaele[/name] [name]Caruso[/name].

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Giuliano[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.

2 months into your pregnancy, [name]Giuliano[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!

4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section. There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 preemie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed. You deliver three boys and two girls. You decide to name in (and in the order they were born) [name]Audrey[/name] [name]Francesca[/name] [name]Caruso[/name], [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Mauro[/name] [name]Caruso[/name], [name]Caleb[/name] [name]Vincenzo[/name] [name]Caruso[/name], [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Caruso[/name], & [name]Emma[/name] [name]Carlotta[/name] [name]Caruso[/name].

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Giuliano[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.

Where do you have the wedding? On the beach.

While on your honeymoon in [name]Malta[/name], you find out your pregnant, AGAIN! This time you find out that you are having boy, his name is [name]William[/name] [name]Matteo[/name] [name]Caruso[/name].

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.

exDH: {32} [name]Eli[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]
DW: {32} [name]Nancy[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] {[name]Murphy[/name] / [name]Fletcher[/name]} [name]Caruso[/name]

DD: {8} [name]Grace[/name] [name]Delilah[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]
DD: {8} [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]
DS: {5} [name]Oliver[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]
DD: {3} [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]

DH: {35} [name]Giuliano[/name] [name]Raffaele[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]

DD: {1} [name]Audrey[/name] [name]Francesca[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]
DS: {1} [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Mauro[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]
DS: {1} [name]Caleb[/name] [name]Vincenzo[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]
DS: {1} [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]
DD: {1} [name]Emma[/name] [name]Carlotta[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]
DS: {nb} [name]William[/name] [name]Matteo[/name] [name]Caruso[/name]

[name]Eli[/name] & [name]Nancy[/name]'s children
– [name]Grace[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Ollie[/name], & [name]Belle[/name] [name]Fletcher[/name]

[name]Giuliano[/name] & [name]Nancy[/name]'s children
– [name]Audrey[/name], [name]Ben[/name], [name]Caleb[/name], [name]Dom[/name], [name]Emma[/name], & [name]Liam[/name] [name]Caruso[/name][/i]

PART [name]ONE[/name]
You are 23 and was just happily married to DH.
YOU: [name]Charity[/name] [name]Jada[/name] [name]Walker[/name]
Picture of you:
DH: [name]Frank[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Walker[/name]
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…
7. 2 girls and one boy
Names: [name]Harper[/name] [name]Bethany[/name], [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Paisley[/name] & [name]Jack[/name] [name]William[/name]

After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
7. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? [name]Sister[/name]
What is their name? [name]Michelle[/name] [name]Karen[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Michelle[/name] [name]Walker[/name]

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Ireland[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Frank[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Katherine[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Penny[/name] [name]Katarina[/name] [name]Walker[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Frank[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Valentino[/name] [name]Rafaele[/name] [name]Orbel[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and Valent decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnant, Valent proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
4. boy girl boy girl boy
What are their names? [name]Brendon[/name] [name]Luca[/name] [name]Orbel[/name], [name]Bellamy[/name] [name]Lilia[/name] [name]Orbel[/name], [name]Brody[/name] [name]Louis[/name] [name]Orbel[/name], [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Lola[/name] [name]Orbel[/name], [name]Brock[/name] [name]Lacey[/name] [name]Orbel[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and Valent decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding(roll the dice)
6. in hawaii
Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon(place) you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that youare having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
4:F:H M:R
Name: [name]Micah[/name] [name]Rocky[/name] [name]Orbel[/name]

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Lughaidh[/name] Coyle Baynton
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…

  1. 2 boys and 1 girl

Name(s):Loughlan [name]Robert[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] Baynton, [name]Henry[/name] [name]Peter[/name] Drennan Baynton and [name]Samantha[/name] [name]Lorene[/name] Baynton

After your first chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
3. boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? [name]Lughaidh[/name]'s father
What is their name? [name]Lewis[/name] [name]Peter[/name] [name]James[/name] Baynton
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Louis[/name] [name]James[/name] Baynton

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to Spain. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out Lugh’s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Helene[/name] [name]Mary[/name] Baynton
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Helena[/name] [name]Marie[/name] Baynton

But soon after your latest child is born, you and Lugh start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name? [name]Francesco[/name] [name]Martino[/name] De [name]Luca[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Franco[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnany, [name]Francesco[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
4. boy girl boy girl boy

What are their names? [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Reuben[/name] De [name]Luca[/name], [name]Marina[/name] [name]Summer[/name] De [name]Luca[/name], Jacobus [name]Victorio[/name] De [name]Luca[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Emilia[/name] De [name]Luca[/name] and [name]Benito[/name] [name]Martin[/name] De luca

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Franco[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding(roll the dice)

  1. church

While on your honeymoon(place) you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boys.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:

7:[name]Frederic[/name] [name]Samson[/name] and [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Colton[/name]

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

[name]Lockie[/name], [name]Harry[/name] and [name]Sami[/name] age 10
[name]Louis[/name] age 7
[name]Antonio[/name], [name]Marnie[/name], [name]Jake[/name], [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Ben[/name] age 5
[name]Freddie[/name] and [name]Hew[/name] age 4

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Heath[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] Honeycutt.
Picture of you: Happy Smiling Young Woman Waistup Portrait Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Cardigan Sweater, Only Women, Sweater - iStock
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see 3 cute little babies on the screen.
If you roll a…
7. 2 girls and one boy
Name(s): [name]Harper[/name] [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Cassidy[/name] [name]Rae[/name] and [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Miles[/name]
Picture(s): Close Up Of Happy Little Twin Girls Sitting Together Outside Stock Photo - Download Image Now - iStock [[name]Harper[/name] and [name]Cass[/name]- age 4]
Happy Young Boy Wearing Red Cape Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Red, 2-3 Years, Arms Raised - iStock [[name]Ben[/name]- age 4]

After your first children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devastated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succeed!
Gender: girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care a lot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? Grandmother
What is their name? [name]Kate[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Kate[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name]
Picture: Child On The Beach Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Activity, Beach, Beautiful People - iStock [age 5]

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to Las [name]Vegas[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Heath[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Betty[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Betsy[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]
Picture: Beautiful Girl With Flower Standing In Field Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Girls, Blond Hair, Curly Hair - iStock [age 4]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Heath[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocery store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Leonardo[/name] [name]Gianni[/name] De [name]Luca[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Leo[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy, [name]Leo[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
2. boy boy boy boy boy
What are their names? [name]Aaron[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name], [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Matteo[/name], [name]Silas[/name] [name]Emilio[/name], [name]Caleb[/name] [name]Alessandro[/name] and [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Marco[/name]
Picture(s): Portrait Of Baby Boy Wearing A Pilot Hat Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 0-11 Months, 2-5 Months, 2000-2009 - iStock [[name]Aaron[/name]]
Child Clapping Hands Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 6-11 Months, Babies Only, Baby - Human Age - iStock [[name]Silas[/name]]
Black White Image Of Baby Boy Lying On Blanket Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 6-11 Months, Babies Only, Baby - Human Age - iStock [[name]Nate[/name]]
Black And White Portrait Of Eight Month Old Baby Boy Stock Photo - Download Image Now - iStock [[name]Caleb[/name]] [[name]Wes[/name]]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Leo[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where do you have the wedding?
7. in your backyard
Picture of you in your wedding dress: Bride In Hippie Style Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 20-24 Years, Adult, Back Lit - iStock

While on your honeymoon in [name]Italy[/name] you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:

  1. BH
    Name: [name]Burke[/name] [name]Holden[/name]

After delivering you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Evan[/name].
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see 1 cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…

  1. 1 baby girl

Name(s): [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]

After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
5. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? My great grandma
What is their name? [name]Josephine[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Elle[/name]

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Florida[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Evan[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Cora[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Cora[/name] [name]Emmeline[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Evan[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Mateo[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Mat[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy,[name]Mat[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
5. girl girl girl girl boy
What are their names? [name]Violet[/name] [name]Anna[/name], [name]Serena[/name] [name]Claire[/name], [name]Eva[/name] [name]Marie[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Francesca[/name], & [name]Luca[/name] [name]James[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Mat[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding(roll the dice)

  1. chruch

Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon(place) you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
2.F:C M:J
Name: [name]Charles[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

You are 23 and you just married your husband [name]William[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Moore[/name] ([name]Will[/name]).

Picture of you: [name]Reese[/name] [name]Isabel[/name] [name]Harper[/name]-[name]Moore[/name]

Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see cute little baby boy on the screen.

[name]Griffin[/name] [name]Elliot[/name]

After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed ! You welcome a healthy baby girl. They decided to name their daughter [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Harper[/name] ([name]Emme[/name]). They chose [name]Emmeline[/name] to honor [name]Will[/name]'s mother and [name]Harper[/name] to honor [name]Reese[/name]'s family because it is her maiden name.

[name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Harper[/name] ([name]Emme[/name])

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to Fiji. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Will[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.

[name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Lila[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Will[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.

[name]Leonardo[/name] [name]Marcell[/name] D’[name]Gianni[/name] ([name]Leo[/name])

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Leo[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy, [name]Leo[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.

They welcomed 3 girls and 2 boys.
[name]Juliet[/name] [name]Aria[/name]
[name]Grace[/name] [name]Arabella[/name]
[name]Landon[/name] [name]Dante[/name]
[name]Sofia[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]
[name]Evan[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Leo[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.They have a very traditional wedding in a church.
Wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in Spain you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that youare having boy.
[name]Cristian[/name] [name]James[/name]

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Kellan[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Madigan[/name].
Picture of you: Portrait Of A Beautiful And Sensual Woman Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 20-24 Years, Adult, Adults Only - iStock
Picture of husband: Young Man Portrait Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 20-29 Years, Adult, Adults Only - iStock

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…
5. 1 boy and 1 girl
Names: [name]Dalton[/name] [name]Desmond[/name] & [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Alice[/name]

After your first children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get pregnant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devastated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
2. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care a lot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? My mum
What is their name? [name]Vivienne[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Vivienne[/name] [name]Maria[/name]

After your 2nd child’s 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]France[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are pregnant! This time it is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnancy, you find out [name]Kellan[/name]’s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by naming your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Gwendolyn[/name]

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Kellan[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to separate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocery store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?: [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name] [name]Vargas[/name]
Picture: Pensive Young Businessman Isolated On White Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Elegance, Men, Sadness - iStock

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Antonio[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnancy, [name]Antonio[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
8. girl girl boy girl boy
What are their names? [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Alexia[/name] [name]Prudence[/name], [name]William[/name] [name]Christian[/name], [name]Miranda[/name] [name]Violet[/name] & [name]Isaac[/name] [name]August[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Antonio[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where of you have the wedding(roll the dice)
7. in your backyard
Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:
6:F:D M:M
Name: [name]Duncan[/name] [name]Matthew[/name]

After delivering you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.
[name]Antonio[/name] & [name]Molly[/name]
[name]Dalton[/name] & [name]Cassandra[/name] - 11
[name]Vivienne[/name] - 6
[name]Caroline[/name] - 4
[name]Cora[/name], [name]Alexia[/name], [name]Wills[/name], [name]Miranda[/name] & [name]Isaac[/name] - 2
[name]Duncan[/name] - NB

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Salinger[/name].

Picture of you

Picture of husband

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see ([name]ROLL[/name] [name]DICE[/name]) cute little baby on the screen.
If you roll a…

  1. 2 baby girls

[name]Evita[/name] [name]Alessandra[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]
[name]Natalia[/name] [name]Vittoria[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]


After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)

  1. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.

Who do you choose to name your child after?
My mother

What is their name?

What do you decide to name your child?
[name]Sophia[/name] [name]Teresa[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]


After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Ireland[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Quentin[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.

What was your husbands grandmothers name?
[name]Anne[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

What do you decide to name your daughter?
[name]Anita[/name] Katarzina [name]Salinger[/name]


But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Quentin[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.

What is his name?
[name]Esteban[/name] [name]Gaetan[/name] Rossetti:


After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Esteban[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnany, [name]Esteban[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!

4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…

  1. girl boy girl boy girl

What are their names?
[name]Tatianna[/name] [name]Isabel[/name] Rossetti
[name]Isadora[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Rossetti
[name]Allegra[/name] [name]Felice[/name] Rossetti


Arrian [name]Constantine[/name] Rossetti
[name]Cato[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] Rossetti


After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Esteban[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding(roll the dice)

  1. chruch

Picture of you in your wedding dress:

While on your honeymoon in Greece you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that youare having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with:

4:F:H M:R

[name]Horatio[/name] [name]Rafaele[/name] Rossetti


After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.
If you would like, list your children and ages.

(I won’t do ages it’s too confusing :stuck_out_tongue: sorry)

So, with [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Salinger[/name] ~ [name]Quinn[/name] I have
[name]Evita[/name] [name]Alessandra[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]
[name]Natalia[/name] [name]Vittoria[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]
[name]Sophia[/name] [name]Teresa[/name] [name]Salinger[/name]
[name]Anita[/name] Katarzina [name]Salinger[/name]

With [name]Esteban[/name] [name]Gaetan[/name] Rossetti I have:
[name]Tatiana[/name] [name]Isabel[/name] Rossetti
[name]Isadora[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Roseetti
[name]Allegra[/name] [name]Felice[/name] Rossetti
Arrian [name]Constantine[/name] Rossetti
[name]Cato[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name] Rosetti
[name]Horatio[/name] [name]Rafaele[/name] Rossetti

Overall (nicknames): [name]Evie[/name], [name]Talia[/name], [name]Sophie[/name], [name]Anna[/name], Tattie, [name]Isa[/name], [name]Allie[/name], [name]Ari[/name], [name]Cat[/name] & [name]Horace[/name]

If you liked this BNG, let me because this is my first one ever!
we [heart] this BNG

You are 23 and was just happily married to [name]James[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Baker[/name].
Picture of you:
Picture of husband:

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see 2 cute little babies on the screen.

  1. 2 baby girls

Name(s): [name]Ava[/name] [name]Cate[/name] and [name]Stella[/name] [name]Brooklyn[/name]
Picture(s): Then:


After your first child/ chilren turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah!

  1. girl

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? [name]James[/name]’ mom
What is their name? Brneda [name]Faye[/name]
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Brynna[/name] [name]Faye[/name]
Picture: Then:


After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to[name]Hawaii[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time iit is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]James[/name]’ grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Addison[/name]
Picture: Then:


But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]James[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name? [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Giovanni[/name]

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Dominic[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 moths into your pregnany, [name]Dominic[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors imediatlley rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.

  1. boy girl boy girl boy

What are their names? [name]Cole[/name] [name]Jonathan[/name], [name]Austen[/name] [name]Faith[/name], [name]Toby[/name] [name]Elias[/name], [name]Claire[/name] [name]Renay[/name], and [name]Todd[/name] [name]Christopher[/name]

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Dominic[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where fo you have the wedding.

2.on the beach

While on your honeymoon you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that youare having boy.

Name: Marken [name]Daniel[/name]

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.

Your name is [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Colette[/name] Pelosiare 23 and were just happily married to [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]James[/name] Pelosi.
Picture of you: Friendly Smile Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Smiling, Adult, Adults Only - iStock
Picture of husband: Happy Smiling Young Man Portrait Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Men, White Background, African Ethnicity - iStock

After talking about having children for a while, you decide to start trying. After 3 long months you finally find out you are pregnant. When you go to the doctor for your first ultrasound you see two cute little babies, a boy and a girlon the screen.
Name(s): [name]Declan[/name] [name]James[/name] Pelosi and [name]Natalie[/name] [name]Colette[/name] Pelosi
Picture(s): Children Drawing Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Boys, Girls, Twin - iStock

After your first children turn 3 you decide to try again. Your husband is right there with you. And after trying for 6 full months you finally get preganant. But shortly after you have a miscarriage. You are devestated and decide to take a break for a while.

After taking a break, you try again, and succed! Yeah! ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
Gender: Boy

You decide to name your child after someone that you care alot about in your family.
Who do you choose to name your child after? [name]Wyatt[/name]'s Father
What is their name? [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Joshua[/name] Pelosi
What do you decide to name your child? [name]Joshua[/name] [name]Colton[/name] Pelosi
Picture: Happy Kid Nerd Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Boys, Child, African Ethnicity - iStock

After your 2nd childs 2nd birthday, you and your husband decide to take a vacation to [name]Hawaii[/name]. While there you do a little fooling around and then, suddenly you find out you are preganant! This time it’s is a little girl. But 6 months into your pregnany, you find out [name]Wyatt[/name]'s grandmother has died. You two decide to honor her by nameing your daughter after her.
What was your husbands grandmothers name? [name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Vivian[/name] Pelosi
What do you decide to name your daughter? [name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Pelosi “[name]Evie[/name]”
Picture: Smiling Little Kid Lying On Grass Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Child, African Ethnicity, Childhood - iStock

But soon after your latest child is born, you and [name]Wyatt[/name] start having relationship troubles. You decide to seperate then a while later you get a divorce.

But one day at the grocey store you run into a new single man who just loves kids and really likes you. You start to see each other and fall in love. He is a very tall, tanned italian man with black hair.
What is his name?(must represent his heritage): [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
Picture: Businessman Portrait Looking Away Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 20-29 Years, Adult, Adults Only - iStock

After seeing each other for 1 year and 2 months, you find yourself pregnant! You go to the ultrasound and find out you are pregnant with 5 beautiful babies! oh my gosh, this is a huge shock to everyone in the whole family, even your ex- husband! You and [name]Niko[/name] decide not to find out the gender of your babies.
2 months into your pregnancy, [name]Niko[/name] proposes to you! You say yes!
4 months later you go for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately rush you into an emergency c- section.There is something wrong with the babies! But 2 short hours later you have delivered 5 premie babies they have to stay in the intensive care unit for a while though, being their lungs are not fully formed.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to decide gender…
7. boy boy girl boy girl
What are their names? [name]Noah[/name] [name]Carter[/name] [name]Ricco[/name], [name]Levi[/name] [name]Parker[/name] [name]Ricco[/name], [name]Cohen[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] [name]Ricco[/name], [name]Molly[/name] [name]McKenna[/name] [name]Ricco[/name], and [name]Johanna[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
Picture(s): I See You Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Triplet - Multiple Birth, White Background, 2-3 Years - iStock
and Cute Hispanic Girls Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Twin, Latin American and Hispanic Ethnicity, Child - iStock

After the quintuplets turn one and all learn how to walk, you and [name]Niko[/name] decide to finally tie the knot.
Where do you have the wedding: On the [name]Beach[/name] in [name]Hawaii[/name]
Picture of you in your wedding dress: Beautiful Bride On White Background Stock Photo - Download Image Now - One Woman Only, Women, Bride - iStock

While on your honeymoon in Fiji you find out your pregnant, AGAIN!!! This time you find out that you are having boy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice to see which letter the first and middle name should start with: First: K Middle: M
Name: [name]Kaiden[/name] [name]Micah[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
Picture: Happy Little Boy Stock Photo - Download Image Now - 12-17 Months, 12-23 Months, Babies Only - iStock

After deliving you last child you decide to get your tubes tied and are enjoying your nice big, happy, healthy family.

[name]Amelia[/name] [name]Colette[/name] [name]Ricco[/name] “[name]Leah[/name]” and [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Ricco[/name] “[name]Niko[/name]”
[name]Declan[/name] [name]James[/name] Pelosi
[name]Natalie[/name] [name]Colette[/name] Pelosi
[name]Joshua[/name] [name]Colton[/name] Pelosi “[name]Josh[/name]”
[name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Pelosi “[name]Evie[/name]”
[name]Noah[/name] [name]Carter[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
[name]Levi[/name] [name]Parker[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
[name]Cohen[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]
[name]Madelyn[/name] [name]Macy[/name] [name]Ricco[/name] “[name]Maddie[/name]”
[name]Johanna[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Ricco[/name] “[name]Hanna[/name]”
[name]Kaiden[/name] [name]Micah[/name] [name]Ricco[/name]