Bodhi, Bodie or Bode? (Last time, I promise)

See the results of this poll: Spelling help…

Respondents: 74 (This poll is closed)

  • Bodhi : 53 (72%)
  • Bodie : 19 (26%)
  • Bode: 2 (3%)

Are [name]Bodhi[/name] and Bodie pronounced the same way? If so, I would go with Bodie (looks more put together, imo)

Good luck :slight_smile:

I think [name]Bodhi[/name] and Bodie are nice, but I really dislike [name]Bode[/name]. [name]Bode[/name] looks like the verb “bode,” as in “that doesn’t bode well.” Or the word “abode.” I think you would run into lots of pronunciation and spelling problems (plus it looks incomplete to me).

I agree with ellenelle-- even though that’s how [name]Bode[/name] [name]Miller[/name] spells his name. I would choose Bodie-- it’s sweet, phonetically very straightforward, and avoids the “mismatch” problem with [name]Bodhi[/name].

[name]Bodhi[/name]! Bodie looks too childish for me and [name]Bode[/name] makes me want to say it like the word.

[name]Bodhi[/name] is the only way I would spell it.

I agree with you guys, I really dislike [name]Bode[/name], but I do sort of feel like it will age better than Bodie will. Or should we just stick with the traditional spelling, [name]Bodhi[/name].


I really like [name]Bodhi[/name], but can see that there could be prn issues. My close second choice would be Bodie. [name]Bode[/name] just looks all wrong.

I prefer the [name]Bodhi[/name] spelling.

I think [name]Bodhi[/name] is the best spelling, but I can kind of see why you would want Bodie for pronunciation issues. I think [name]Bodhi[/name] is starting to see slightly more use and so hopefully most people will be able to figure it out, or at least remember after only a one-time correction.

There are two things that I can’t seem to overlook about the Bodie spelling… [name]One[/name], it looks more like the word “body” to me without the H in there. And two, the -ie ending makes it seem more like a nickname than a full name. That is just my opinion though, and may not bother you or your husband at all. Good luck, I’m glad you’ve almost chosen a name. We are all rooting for you guys! =]

I definitely voted for [name]Bodhi[/name], as that seems like the real one to me. [name]Bodhi[/name] is the spelling that invokes all the meaningful Buddhist images in my mind (Buddha received his Revelation while sitting under the [name]Bodhi[/name] tree). And the spelling that way has become common enough (cracked the top 1000 baby boy names last year) that I think it won’t be seen as way out there or anything.

[name]Bodhi[/name] for sure. Bodie might give you less pronunciation issues but it doesn’t seem to age well and looks a little made up. [name]Bode[/name] doesn’t make any sense to me.

I agree with this and most of the pp’s :slight_smile:

Bodie is nice and easy to say when you are trying to read it. When I see [name]Bodhi[/name] I want to say bod- HE and [name]Bode[/name] looks like it should be said like Bod (Bodie without the “y” noise)

My thoughts exactly. [name]Bodhi[/name] is my favorite.

1 [name]Bodhi[/name]
2 Bodie
3 [name]Bode[/name]

Unless you always want to correct how it’s pronounced.

I think it depends on your location and community.

I’d never even heard of [name]Bodhi[/name] before namberry–it looks like the name of an [name]Indian[/name] restaurant to me (it has a very ethnic feel) and my first instinct would be to pronounce it more like body (bahd-he).
Bodie seems more simple and “American” if that makes any sense at all.

[name]Bodhi[/name] for sure! Bodie just looks like u forgot the r in [name]Brodie[/name] and [name]Bode[/name] looks like the word. [name]Bodhi[/name] is great!


Keep in mind that “bode” is the Spanish and Portuguese word for a male goat, and it’s often used as an insult. A guy name [name]Bode[/name] will have a tough time if he ever wants to visit or live in South [name]America[/name] or Europe…