
We’ve tossed this name around a lot…put it aside…and we always pick it back up.

I love that it means Blessing.

We have a boy ([name_f]Bryar[/name_f]) and a girl ([name_f]Scarlett[/name_f]) already and I love their names…so I want to something just as great…and Im starting to think maybe [name_m]Boone[/name_m] is that name. I don’t mind that both boys would start with a B.

Opinions on [name_m]Boone[/name_m]?

I quite like it, but I am definitely in the minority on this site.

Makes me think of [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m]…and the word sounds kind of strange to me, like a drum beat, though I do like the meaning.

I think it goes well with [name_f]Bryar[/name_f]. It is a cute sibset with all three.

I was considering this name for a pet, but a couple people let me know that it used to be a derogatory term for black people (as in a slang form of baboon). I don’t think it was very prevalent, as I’d never heard it before that, but definitely something to consider.

Otherwise, I like the cowboy feel to the name, but I would probably only ever use it as a middle. I think a LOT of people would make the [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m] connection.

The [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m] connection is fine with me. We are in a Midwestern state so I don’t think a lot of people would think it was odd.

There is just something about this name that I keep coming back to it. Its been over a year now that I’ve been drawn to it. I know its quirky…a bit out there…some might not like it…but I think it might be THE name for our 3rd little blessing. We have difficulty conceiving so the meaning behind the name is special for us as we thought we were done and weren’t able to have anymore and then…here we are =)

Thanks for the honest replies everyone!!!

I like it! It’s been on and off my list some, currently it’s on my middles list. I once knew a boy named [name_m]Boone[/name_m] and it seemed to work fine for him. My only issue is I live in [name_m]Boone[/name_m] County so unless i move before I have kids I’m afraid it would be cheesy. So long story short I say use it!

Thank you!!!

I think it sounds like it could be the perfect name for you :slight_smile: I remember the thread where PP was considering it for her dog, and I think the largest part of the conflict was that it would be a black dog named [name_m]Boone[/name_m], which might lead people who had heard of the slur to think that was the reason for his name. I live in an area that has a ton of things named after [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m], so I think any kid named [name_m]Boone[/name_m] would probably be constantly getting called [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m] in a playful way… at least if you have family like mine. Hell, my cousin’s name is [name_m]Daniel[/name_m], and he got called [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] [name_m]Boone[/name_m] for years!

All that said, I think [name_m]Boone[/name_m] fits pretty perfectly with your other children, and it sounds like a name with meaning for you and your husband. Go for it!

I think [name_m]Boone[/name_m] fits pretty perfectly with your other children.
If you both agree on it, and love it, GO for it!! There’s a reason you keep going back to it.
It seems like the perfect choice for you and your family. :] I think it’s rather cute!

I like it and it seems to fit well with your set.

Great option!

[name_m]Boone[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] or [name_m]Boone[/name_m] [name_m]Tennyson[/name_m] would be cool

It seems like a rather Southern name to me and brings to mind rifles and hunting.

The men in my family are hunters…deer…elk…ect =) so that imagery seems appropriate and ok for us.

I love [name_m]Boone[/name_m]! I love cowboy names and this one has flair plus isn’t overused. I have never heard that it is a slang term. I think [name_m]Boone[/name_m] would fit great with your other kids.

[name_m]Boone[/name_m] seems to come from the [name_m]French[/name_m] “bon”, as in “bonjour”, “bonne chance”, and simply means “good”. I don’t like it when babyname sites stretch the actual meaning in order to find something pleasing for parents-to-be. I like [name_m]Boone[/name_m], I like the connotations and the sound of the name too, but I was skeptical about its meaning so I thought I’d double check that since it seems to play into your choice.

This site says its means blessing as do others. Some say it also means a favor, or good or good and a blessing either or. I think with all names there are going to be multiple meanings. The meaning of the name is not the only reason I like it…just one of the many =)

I like [name_m]Boone[/name_m] a lot. Its a good name. It puts me in mind of Lost but thats ok x

Based on it’s use in the past (i.e. [name_m]Lord[/name_m], please grant me this boon) I’d say the closest meaning is favor, with blessing or benefaction being a subtler background note. The meaning was expanded as it was used more broadly. It does come from the old [name_m]French[/name_m], but it’s not a direct definition from the modern [name_m]French[/name_m]. It’s also from the same root as bonus (Latin) which is a fun link :slight_smile:

Google “grant me this boon” if you want to read about it.

The English word “boon” is synonymous with blessing, a favor, benefit, godsend, etc. I wouldn’t call the name a stretch… regardless of origins, that is what the word means in the country in which it will be used.

We are naming our little baby [name_m]Boone[/name_m]! So obviously love it!