Boy/Girl Twins

What do you think of [name]Felix[/name] & [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Sommer[/name]? Any other suggestions?

They’re both nice names and they go OK together. If you’er going to give matching first letters you might want subsequent letters or at least sounds to be different, which is not the case here. Also I find the s part of the x in [name]Felix[/name] runs into the S at the start of [name]Sommer[/name]. I actually just voted in the poll and accidentally voted for this one although I do think it’s the next best - I really thought [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Olivia[/name] did a nice job of using the same letter without being too matchy (but still united enough).

I like both names but dislike that they have the same initials, purely through personal experience. My sister has the same first initial and stuff like awards at school, medical prescriptions and picking up parcels at the post office can get annoying when we get mixed up. But otherwise I like both names separately.

I really like both names, but I think they are too close for siblings. If you want both names to start with the same letter the names shouldn’t have the same sound at the start. Something like [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Flora[/name] or [name]Fiona[/name] and [name]Foster[/name] would work.

I like [name]Felix[/name], but not keen on [name]Fiona[/name] at all or the names together. Too matchy for me.

I am one of the few berries that likes the same initial on twins. I think [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Fiona[/name] is PERFECT!

Too twinsy feeling. They have the same beginning sound which is a bit much imo.

[name]Love[/name] it! If you’re having twins, I say go for it! I don’t think they’re too matchy. [name]Just[/name] make sure they have middle names with different initals so they aren’t both F. B. [name]Sommers[/name] for example!

Agreed, especially the middle initial comment.

I love it :slight_smile: