For some strange reason I can’t seem to post a picture, but he’s a dark grey and white striped kitten with grey eyes and four white paws.
Okay so I have absolutely no idea what to name this cat. My parents have 5 dogs already so the names [name]Nelson[/name], [name]Rusty[/name], [name]Cricket[/name], and Pookie are out (as a heads up).
[name]Feel[/name] free to suggest anything other than already common, run-of-the-mill cat names or any names related to [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings or Twilight (other pop culture references are welcomed).
Here are some examples of names I’ve been thinking of:
Stormageddon Dark [name]Lord[/name] of All (there’s an explanation to this.)
Thanks for your help!
[name]Leonardo[/name] DeCatrio (which is the name of one of my cats)
Aberforth. Pleeeease name him Aberforth. [name]Abe[/name] is a cute nickname.
I wanted to name my kitten that, but my roommate said no
so he is Rorschach instead.
I also think Stormageddon Dark [name]Lord[/name] of All is funny. I don’t know the back story, but it would definitely be a talking point when people meet him. You could maybe use [name]Stormy[/name] for short (saves you from having to explain the back story to everyone; we call my cat [name]Rory[/name] in those cases, it makes vet trips easier haha)
My friend suggested [name]Leonardo[/name] DeCatrio! I’ve also considered Pawblo Picatsso, The Great Catsby, and [name]Fidel[/name] Catstro as well.
Aberforth is one of my favorites, and same for Stormageddon, which is a [name]Doctor[/name] Who reference. [name]Long[/name] story short, the character was also known as [name]Alfie[/name], so that would probably be his nickname, though I’m thinking I might be able to get away with [name]Rory[/name] (also one of my faves)!
In case this works, here is a link to a picture of him:
It’s my personal blog on Wordpress (I promise there’s no spam) and by the looks of him, he has a lot of attitude.
I adore Aberforth and Stomageddon!! But then again, I love [name]Doctor[/name] Who and [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name].
I also think the Great Catsby is awesome.
Stomageddon nn [name]Stormy[/name] VERY CUTE!!
LOOOOVE Stormageddon! I just got a new kitten (the dogs brought up a tiny little 2-3 week old feral about five weeks ago), and it took me forever to name him [name]Ned[/name] (after [name]Ned[/name] Stark, of course!). He’s also silver with white rings around gray-green eyes and darker silvery-blue stripes on the bottom half of his body, like a normal tabby, but it’s like they just started in the middle of his coat and go down, even at the M on his head (so it’s just half an M, lol). I went through so many names, including Dobby, [name]Albus[/name], Tennant, [name]Eleven[/name], Book (from Firefly–top contender for a while), [name]Tyrion[/name], and [name]Moses[/name]. Finally someone said [name]Ned[/name], and it just fit perfectly. Best of luck to you, but I would choose Stormageddon and am QUITE jealous I didn’t think of it for [name]Ned[/name]!