Boy Name Dilemma! Help!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Everyone,

Looking for some opinions on my baby boy name dilemma. The one and only name I love is [name_m]Mac[/name_m]. This has been my favourite for a long time and I love that it is part of my maiden name and my Scottish roots.

I do, however, have a nephew called [name_u]Max[/name_u].

The cousins live at the other side of the world and there is about 5 years between them so won’t be growing up together or in similar circles. They’ll see each other every year or two I guess.

I think my brother would be fine with it … But part of me is worried about what others think.

Would love to here your opinions.

Ps - I’m not keen on having it as a nickname to a longer [name_m]Mac[/name_m] name as then it wouldn’t be a nod to my maiden name which is the whole reason I want it. I am open to it being spelled [name_m]Mack[/name_m] though.

Thanks all!

I think it’s fine, especially since they won’t be running in the same circle! [name_m]Mack[/name_m] and [name_u]Max[/name_u] would certainly create more difference, but if you love [name_m]Mac[/name_m], go for it, I think it’s fine!

Thanks so much for your comment! It makes me feel much better.

I think it’s not a big deal. Since they won’t be growing up together and seeing each other multiple times a year, then you should go for it

I don’t see any issue with it, especially since he won’t be around his cousin much, like others have said. Plus, it’s a name you love, and a nod to your maiden name, so I think you should go for it!

I can see why it might make you doubt your choice, but I don’t think it’s a problem. They won’t be seeing each other very often, and if you think your brother would be fine with it, it’s definitely fine. And while they sound similar, they are in fact different names. It’s not like naming your son [name_m]Maxim[/name_m], for example.

I think it’s totally fine, since they will not be growing up in the same circles. When you say others, the only people who will know/really be affected are the shared grandparents, but if [name_m]Mac[/name_m] is part of your maiden name, I personally don’t see it being a problem at all, though of course you know your family best.

In my mind [name_m]Mac[/name_m] and [name_u]Max[/name_u] are completely different names. I say if you love it, go for it!

Go for it!! I don’t find it to be a problem at all. Maybe bring it up to your brother if it helps you clear your conscience but it’s is clearly the name you love and this isn’t a good enough reason to not use it! I wouldn’t worry about the spelling either, I personally don’t find [name_m]Mack[/name_m] to be much more distinctive from [name_u]Max[/name_u] than the [name_m]Mac[/name_m] spelling.

Oh thank you all so much for your replies! You’ve made me feel so much better!

I have moments where I think it’s no issue whatsoever to then feeling like it’s going to be a big mistake.

Because of the family connection I just can’t imagibe using another name now. Husband doesn’t see what the issue is ”

I guess I’ll just have to keep thinking about it for now!

Thanks again!

I see no issue! If they were neighbors, growing up together, and the same age, I’d be worried. [name_m]Even[/name_m] so, if I heard of relatives [name_m]Mac[/name_m] and [name_u]Max[/name_u], I wouldn’t think anything of it. If you love [name_m]Mac[/name_m], you should go with it. If you’re still too worried, you could ask your family members; I’m sure they’ll say the same thing as all of us. Good luck!

Thank you @quilliza for your kind words - it means a lot!

For myself, I want distinctly different names for my kids compared to like literally everyone I know, so this wouldn’t work for ME personally but there seems to be a consensus with everyone else that this shouldn’t be a problem and I absolutely think you should do what you’re comfortable, not what I’m comfortable with :stuck_out_tongue: but what I’m here to really add to the conversation is: I can tell you have a personal attachment to this name, but what is it that draws you to using it as a first name rather than a middle name? While I dont think the boys themselves will have any issues with having similar names, I could see it being a bit confusing for grandparents and other relatives. My own personal experience with similar names in one family is my partners mother, because even though she already had a sister [name_f]Eileen[/name_f], named her daughter [name_f]Aileen[/name_f], and it causes eternal confusion ” it’s the sort of thing that feels like “no point in bringing it up now” but also every now and then makes you go “what was she thinking?” So before you wind up in a similar situation, I would suggest to just be open to some other options as first names but absolutely keep [name_m]Mac[/name_m] for a middle name since it clearly means so much to you :slight_smile: maybe consider what sibling names would go well with [name_m]Mac[/name_m] and these might lead you to other names you like

I like it! I don’t think it’ll be a problem with the cousin. Go for it!

I do think you should spell it [name_m]Mack[/name_m]. That way, it looks more like a full name than a nn.

Thanks ladies.
I genuinely don’t think my brother or parents would have an issue with it. It’s more my [name_m]SIL[/name_m]’s side I’m worried about. But as some of you say they will have no real reason to even say his name really given we live so far apart.
If they lived near one another I’d probably just suck it up and move on but they won’t even probably meet one another until ([name_m]Mac[/name_m]) is almost one!!
I guess if I post anything on social media then people may talk about it but again … is that enough reason to give it up.
I guess once we meet him we will just know! ”
I’m very grateful for all your comments and input!!