As you can see, he’s partial to Irish names but our last name is two syllables ending in “n” and I think most of his choices don’t really go with it. Plus, I’d prefer something a little simpler than a lot of his choices.
Can you see any compromises here (or any great names we haven’t thought of)??
Boys’ Names that sound a little bit or very Irish, Scottish or English and also sound a little classic:
[name]Clive[/name] (English)
[name]Nicholas[/name] nn [name]Colin[/name] ([name]Colin[/name] is two syllables, is Scottish, and ends in an “n” for your husband. You get the full name [name]Nicholas[/name] which is a classic.)
[name]Connor[/name] (Very Irish and two syllables. Does not end in an “n”.)
[name]Patrick[/name] (Very Irish, two syllables, doesn’t end in “n”, is a classic. I love it!)
[name]William[/name] nn [name]Liam[/name] (ultra classic name with an Irish nickname.)
[name]Declan[/name] (I know this is one of your husband’s choices, and I have to say I love it. Has a cute nickname-Dec.)
I love all your choices so much, but I would make [name]Gus[/name] be the full name [name]August[/name] or [name]Augustus[/name] or [name]Gustav[/name]-but I don’t really like [name]Gustav[/name]-and call him [name]Gus[/name] for short. Likewise I would use [name]Ned[/name] as a nickname for [name]Edward[/name] or [name]Edmund[/name].
More Ideas:
[name]Andrew[/name] nn [name]Drew[/name] ([name]Andrew[/name]-classic, a name used often in [name]Scotland[/name], [name]Drew[/name] is a cute nickname.)
[name]Graham[/name] (Scottish, sounds nice, only one syllable.
[name]Archer[/name] nn [name]Archie[/name] (Scottish sounding to my ear, doesn’t end in “n”, two syllables for your husband, [name]Archie[/name] is vintage for you. I would use this name if I were having a baby because it is so cute!) Also his full name could be [name]Archibald[/name], but I like [name]Archer[/name] better.
I am partial to first and last names that end in the same letter. I think they sound great. Most names I like are Irish sounding and end in n (like [name]Owen[/name], [name]Kellen[/name], and [name]Brennan[/name]) but here are some Irish sounding names that don’t:
[name]Cormac[/name] was the name that popped into my head as a compromise for you two. [name]Cormac[/name]‘s Irish, like [name]Declan[/name], [name]Connor[/name] (I prefer [name]Conor[/name], myself) and might suit you with an easy [name]Mac[/name]- nickname that feels a bit like [name]Gus[/name]. From his list, I really like [name]Conan[/name]. O’[name]Brien[/name]'s done quite a bit to de-barbarianise [name]Conan[/name] and I think he’s quite dashing, in a [name]Henry[/name]/[name]Milo[/name] sort of way. Neither name is quite as “now” feeling as [name]Finn[/name], though. And if you’re looking for a [name]Finn[/name] that’s not quite as “[name]Finn[/name]” maybe [name]Fintan[/name], [name]Finlay[/name] or [name]Phineas[/name] might work for you two?
Also potentially [name]Jasper[/name], [name]Miles[/name] (with the nickname [name]Milo[/name]?) or [name]Thomas[/name]? [name]Thomas[/name] in particular is one I can picture on an Irish lad, so it fits the Irish thing he seems to like. It doesn’t end in -n, so it doesn’t clash with your surname and is classic enough to hold his own with other similar choices on your list: [name]Henry[/name] & [name]Oliver[/name]. Instead of [name]Gus[/name] or [name]Ned[/name], how about [name]August[/name], [name]Angus[/name] or [name]Fergus[/name] and for [name]Ned[/name], [name]Edward[/name], [name]Edmund[/name] or even [name]Edgar[/name] possibly?
Sorry that was so rambling. I hope it helped some!
What about [name]Angus[/name] and call him [name]Gus[/name]? [name]Angus[/name] is an Irish name but has a nickname that you love. [name]Just[/name] a suggestion. Good luck! My second favorite is [name]Ned[/name]. . . do you have an [name]Edward[/name] in the family?
Thanks so much, everyone, for all your help. My husband and I are still not really any nearer to a final solution (which is starting to get a bit worrying, since I’m almost nine months pregnant!). I’m glad that people don’t seem to think that the two-syllable ending in “n” thing is an issue. It just sounded so weird to me…"[name]Declan[/name] [name]Tyman[/name]" ([name]Tyman[/name]'s our last name). Any more suggestions??
[name]Oliver[/name] is very common in [name]Ireland[/name], and has that sort of feel to it. There is even an Irish spelling, [name]Oilibhear[/name], not that I’d recommend using that version outside of [name]Ireland[/name].
The names that your husband has chosen are mostly all lovely (not a fan of [name]Conan[/name], but the rest are nice), but unfortunately, NONE of them flow well with your surname [name]Tyman[/name]. They could be workable as middle names, but given that your lad will have this name for the rest of his life, it needs to be easy to say (not another [name]Bronx[/name] Wentz - poor kid will have to pause between his first and last names forever).
I would go with any of the following combinations using the names you’ve listed:
Good luck, and I hope you get your way in the end! I had the same issue with my fiance when we discussed names - my taste is more classic and traditional, while he prefers Celtic and Irish names. We’ve managed to compromise, but [name]Henry[/name] was my boy frontrunner (I’d still prefer it).
I thought of [name]Riley[/name], [name]Corey[/name], and [name]Dallas[/name]. All Irish and they don’t end in “n”. But you have to watch out for the name [name]Riley[/name] because it may be taken over by the girls soon. My maiden name was Farson, and we have a lot of relatives who had two syllable first names ending in “n”. We have two Helens, an [name]Allan[/name], a [name]Karen[/name], and a [name]Kathleen[/name]. I was never [name]Susan[/name] Farson-that’s a long story. But I wouldn’t have minded it. We had an [name]Elaine[/name] and a [name]Ken[/name], but they died. We also have an [name]Ann[/name], [name]Jean[/name], and [name]John[/name]. But your last name [name]Tyman[/name] has an “n” and an “m” in it. That makes it rough.
[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Riley[/name] [name]Tyman[/name]? That sounds nice. Two long “i” sounds.
I really like [name]Andrew[/name] nn [name]Drew[/name] [name]Tyman[/name]. I like all your choices and the only choice on your husband’s list that I like is [name]Declan[/name]. [name]Declan[/name] [name]Tyman[/name]. That sounds nice to me. I like [name]Miles[/name] [name]Tyman[/name].
I’ll second susan’s suggestion of [name]Riley[/name]. I think that this is one of those names that (as of now) would work well for either gender (although I personally prefer it for a boy).
I do like [name]Riley[/name], but unfortunately we already have a girl [name]Reilley[/name] in the family (a cousin). Too bad, 'cause I agree it goes really well with our last name…sigh!
I thought of [name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Tyman[/name]. It has the long “i” sound in it like [name]Riley[/name] has. But it is English, not Irish. It’s a cool name. It does end in “t”. You have to see if you like the first name to end in the same sound as the beginning of your last name. Might sound like [name]Wyatt[/name] Eiman. I’ll see if I think of anything else. I really like [name]Henry[/name]. But so does everyone else, it seems. Very popular!