Boy Names are So Hard!

When it comes to girls I can think of a billion different names I love, but with boys, I have such a hard time coming up with anything. I’m looking for mainly Irish and Hebrew names, but it’s difficult to place any Hebrew names! Classic names are also welcome! My combinations so far are…

[name_m]Ruari[/name_m] [name_m]Edward[/name_m]
[name_m]Declan[/name_m] [name_m]Levi[/name_m]
[name_m]Henry[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m]
[name_u]Finn[/name_u] [name_m]Mordecai[/name_m]

The only problem with these is none of them seem to pop out at me, though I do love [name_m]Henry[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m], but are those too popular of names? Usually I don’t care about popularity, but I don’t want to yell out [name_m]Henry[/name_m] in public and have five boys come running to me.

My list for combinations are…

[name_m]Judah[/name_m] or [name_u]Jude[/name_u]
[name_u]Blaze[/name_u] or [name_u]Blaise[/name_u]

I will also be open to suggestions for other names, thank you in advanced! :slight_smile:

Boys names do seem so much more difficult! And I do think [name_m]Henry[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] is a great choice. I don’t think it’s too popular, and [name_m]Henry[/name_m] is a classic!

From your list I’d combine:

[name_m]Ezra[/name_m] [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m]
[name_m]Seamus[/name_m] [name_u]Blaise[/name_u]
[name_m]Benedict[/name_m] [name_u]Jude[/name_u]
[name_m]Leo[/name_m] [name_m]Malachi[/name_m]
[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Padraig[/name_m]

Edited for privacy.

[name_m]Ephraim[/name_m] is a lovely name, and [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] isn’t as common as it is known.

[name_m]Leo[/name_m] [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] is absolutely flawless.

I don’t think [name_m]Henry[/name_m] is too popular. I definitely don’t think you’ll get 5 [name_m]Henry[/name_m]'s running at you at the playground. [name_m]Henry[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] is very handsome and I love it.

From your names, I like these for first names with your names as middles too:

[name_m]Asher[/name_m] [name_m]Benedict[/name_m]
[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] [name_u]Lior[/name_u]
[name_m]Ephraim[/name_m] [name_u]Gale[/name_u]
[name_m]Malachi[/name_m] [name_u]Jude[/name_u] – though I’d love to suggest [name_m]Malachy[/name_m]. It seems more Irish too me and I like the sound a lot more.
[name_m]Seamus[/name_m] [name_u]Niall[/name_u]

Some others you might like:

[name_m]Finnegan[/name_m] – you have [name_u]Finn[/name_u] so I’m just adding this as a fuller name

Liron – love that this means “I have joy”

Thank you to everyone for making me feel so much better about [name_m]Henry[/name_m] [name_m]Oliver[/name_m]! I love this name and all your comments made me feel much more reassured about this choice.

sbm602, I love [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m], [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Padraig[/name_m], and [name_m]Seamus[/name_m] [name_u]Blaise[/name_u]. Definitely putting those on my possible name list!

Saracita00, Oh I adore [name_m]Cormac[/name_m]! I don’t know how I never thought of it! I absolutely [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] [name_m]Leo[/name_m] [name_m]Benedict[/name_m]. This one just made me smile! [name_u]Niall[/name_u] [name_u]James[/name_u] is cute as well.

Dantea, [name_f]Love[/name_f] [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] [name_u]Lior[/name_u], [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] [name_u]Jude[/name_u], and [name_m]Seamus[/name_m] [name_u]Niall[/name_u]. [name_m]Malachy[/name_m] is very cute as well. From your list of names I took [name_m]Desmond[/name_m], [name_m]Oisin[/name_m], [name_m]Ronan[/name_m], [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m], [name_m]Gavriel[/name_m] (I find this name so handsome!) [name_m]Raphael[/name_m], and Liron ([name_f]Love[/name_f] the name and the meaning!)