Boy names "Maten"

What does the name maten mean? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think it is suitable for baby boy?

[name_u]Or[/name_u] which of these names would be appropriate?


Thank You

Maten would read in [name_f]English[/name_f] as MAY-ten, which sounds a lot like mating. Is it MAH-ten?
It is also a problem in Spanish as it is a form of matar, “to kill.”
[name_f]Merel[/name_f] looks like an alternative spelling of [name_f]Meryl[/name_f], a girl’s name.

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I like the Madden spelling better myself!

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Seconding this too

I do quite like Marin and Marlis :slight_smile:

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Marin’s my favourite for your list but Maten is perfectly fine. I thought I’d also suggest my favourite boy name at the moment: [name_u]Miran[/name_u]

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It’s not a name I can find any info for, however, it did strike me to be similar to Marten (MAHR-tin), which is a [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] form of [name_m]Martin[/name_m].

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Maten makes me think of the Spanish verb matar, meaning ‘to kill’, because it’s a conjugation of the verb.

I think [name_u]Marin[/name_u] is a good name from your options! The similar Maden could be cool as well.

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