Boys List - Opinions Needed

This is my list of boy’s names. I would love opinions and suggestions.

[name]Jackson[/name] (nn Jacks)
[name]Bennet[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name])
[name]Benson[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name])
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name])
[name]Sampson[/name] (nn [name]Sam[/name])

[name]West[/name] (Prefer [name]Weston[/name])
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name])
[name]Sampson[/name] (nn [name]Sam[/name])

I like those. Favorites are bolded.

These are my favorites from your list:

[name]Lysander[/name] (nn [name]Sander[/name])
[name]Sampson[/name] - I adore “[name]Sam[/name]”.
[name]Lucas[/name] - Classic name to me.
[name]Sawyer[/name] - I like the way it sounds.
[name]Graham[/name] - Not that common and it’s a strong one-syllable name.


[name]West[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like it. It’s ok as a nn for [name]Weston[/name] but that really isn’t my style either.
[name]Jackson[/name] (nn Jacks) - Like it but if popularity bothers you I’d steer clear.
[name]Owen[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it!
[name]Lysander[/name] - It’s ok.
Rowling - Seems like a last name or a company to me. Maybe as a middle if it has meaning.
[name]Bennet[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Beckett[/name] - Meh.
[name]Benson[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - It’s ok.
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name]) - [name]Don[/name]'t like.
[name]Sampson[/name] (nn [name]Sam[/name]) - [name]Don[/name]'t like. I like [name]Samuel[/name] though. Or maybe [name]Samson[/name]. [name]Kinda[/name] sounds like Samsung though now that I think about it.
[name]Harrison[/name] - Too last namey for me.
[name]Oliver[/name] - Like.
[name]Wylie[/name] - All I can think of is [name]Wylie[/name] Coyote. What about [name]Waylan[/name]? NMS but I like that more.
[name]Lucas[/name] - [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Archer[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like. What about [name]Asher[/name]?
[name]Sawyer[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like.
[name]Brody[/name] - [name]Kinda[/name] like it. Wouldn’t use it personally though because I know two people with sons named [name]Brody[/name].
[name]Graham[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like it but I know of one [name]Graham[/name] and he’s kind of a jerk… that may be why.
[name]Finn[/name] - Seems incomplete but I do like it.
[name]Arrow[/name] - Too “out there” for me.
[name]Leo[/name] - Like it as a nn for [name]Leopold[/name].
[name]Hudson[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like.

Here are the ones I like:

[name]West[/name] – I like [name]West[/name] on it’s own away from [name]Weston[/name]. I think it’s handsome and strong
[name]Owen[/name] – [name]Love[/name] it. [name]Love[/name] the sound and I’ve never met one.
[name]Lysander[/name] – I’ve always loved this! It’s one of my guilty pleasures. I think it’s handsome and has strong literary connections.
Rowling – I don’t actually like this one as a first name, but I kept it because I think it would be a cool middle name
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name]) – I love [name]Grayson[/name] (spelled [name]Greyson[/name]). Softer but still handsome
[name]Oliver[/name] – [name]Love[/name] this one too. Soft but handsome like several of the others. It’s a little kiddish, but not much
[name]Graham[/name] – [name]Love[/name] it! My biggest issue is that on here recently, there was a post about whether it was gray-um or gram and I prefer the second
[name]Leo[/name] – love [name]Leo[/name] on it’s own. I don’t really like any of the longer forms. [name]Leo[/name] is so cool

My favorite’s are:

[name]Jackson[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] even though very popular

[name]West[/name] - I like it, strong and masculine
[name]Jackson[/name] (nn Jacks) - I have a major soft spot for this name and the NN but I prefer the [name]Jax[/name] spelling for the NN
[name]Owen[/name] - I like it, short, sweet and too point
[name]Lysander[/name] - NMS
Rowling - NMS but the literary connection could be cool if that is what you are going for
[name]Bennet[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - I prefer [name]Benedict[/name] or [name]Benjamin[/name]
[name]Beckett[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Benson[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - Again I prefer [name]Benedict[/name] and [name]Benjamin[/name], I even prefer [name]Bennett[/name] to [name]Benson[/name]
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name]) - [name]Love[/name]
[name]Sampson[/name] (nn [name]Sam[/name]) - I prefer [name]Samuel[/name] but I still love all the [name]Sam[/name] names
[name]Harrison[/name] - [name]Love[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] - I like it as an mn
[name]Wylie[/name] - NMS
[name]Lucas[/name] - I like it, a classic
[name]Archer[/name] - prefer [name]Asher[/name]
[name]Sawyer[/name] - Its ok but you have better on the list
[name]Brody[/name] - I like it, it makes me think of a cool surfer guy type
[name]Graham[/name] - I like it, it has bounced on and off my own list for a while now
[name]Finn[/name] - [name]Finn[/name] does not seem substantial enough, I prefer [name]Flynn[/name] but only as an MN
[name]Arrow[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] in a GP way. I have a huge soft spot for this name
[name]Leo[/name] - I like it for its simplicity
[name]Hudson[/name] - Its ok you have better though

Okay, since you asked, here are my honest opinions as a stranger! :slight_smile:

[name]West[/name] ~ Cool, but a little too cool for me. I might do “[name]Westley[/name]” or “[name]Weston[/name]” and call him [name]West[/name]. (But, that’s ME. I have a thing about nn as given name…)

[name]Jackson[/name] ~ Not crazy about it, but respectable enough

[name]Owen[/name] ~ Nice name, but getting to be overused now

[name]Lysander[/name] ~ [name]LOVE[/name] it! (I’m that “eccentric aristocrat” type, though) Would like to see more people bold enough to use it

Rowling ~ I would think, did you name him after J.K.?

[name]Bennet[/name] nn [name]Ben[/name] ~ Cute alternative to get to [name]Ben[/name]

[name]Beckett[/name] ~ Not loving it. Too many connotations for me of famous bearers

[name]Benson[/name] nn [name]Ben[/name] ~ Go with [name]Bennet[/name] if you want to think outside the box

[name]Grayson[/name] ~ Okay

[name]Sampson[/name] ~ Like it. [name]Haven[/name]'t heard it used.

[name]Harrison[/name] ~ I know a sibset of [name]Jackson[/name] and [name]Harrison[/name]. Like I said with [name]Jackson[/name], respectable enough, but not my style. (Unless they’re ACTUALLY family names)

[name]Oliver[/name] ~ [name]Love[/name] it and always will (no matter how popular it gets)

[name]Wylie[/name] ~ Coyote? (Sorry, first thing that popped into my head. Also, wily. Not really what I would want for a son?)

[name]Lucas[/name] ~ [name]Love[/name]. Always have, always will.

[name]Archer[/name] ~ [name]Kinda[/name] cool

[name]Sawyer[/name] ~ Eh, overdone in my opinion

[name]Brody[/name] ~ Cowboy. This is good or bad depending on YOUR taste

[name]Graham[/name] ~ Another classic I love, and not overused, I think. Good choice

[name]Finn[/name] ~ Not a fan of this popular name (and again, I’d want a longer given name)

[name]Arrow[/name] ~ Eh, stick with [name]Archer[/name] if you want to go this route, I say

[name]Leo[/name] ~ Growing on me, but again, I personally would call him [name]Leopold[/name] and use [name]Leo[/name] as a nn

[name]Hudson[/name] ~ Not doing it for me

So, there, hope that wasn’t too harsh. [name]Just[/name] giving you the reactions of a stranger on the street as it were. You do have some lovely picks in there ([name]Lysander[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Graham[/name], [name]Owen[/name]).

I really love your list!

[name]West[/name] - nms so much, but I do like [name]Weston[/name]/[name]Westley[/name] and [name]Wesley[/name]…
[name]Jackson[/name] (nn Jacks) - I don’t mind [name]Jackson[/name] but I’m not crazy about Jacks/[name]Jax[/name] at all, sorry. I guess I’m just a [name]Jack[/name] sort of girl…
[name]Owen[/name] - I like it but I prefer [name]Rowan[/name] and [name]Bowen[/name], personally.
[name]Lysander[/name] - like it a lot! I wouldn’t have the guts to use it but I think it’s a cool mn.
Rowling - as in, the author of the HP series? Really, really not a fan, sorry. But then again, I am quite irrationally against HP, so that could be it…
[name]Bennet[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - like it a lot! I had considered [name]Bennett[/name] (this spelling) for my own list. [name]Ben[/name] is very cute but I like just [name]Bennett[/name], too. I like the association to the [name]Bennet[/name] family in Pride and Prejudice, but I’ve heard of more people considering (and using) [name]Bennet[/name] for a girl as opposed to [name]Bennett[/name], so I would opt to keep the [name]Bennett[/name] spelling personally… :slight_smile:
[name]Beckett[/name] - love! It’s a serious consideration for my own list right now. I love the nn [name]Beck[/name]. :slight_smile:
[name]Benson[/name] (nn [name]Ben[/name]) - I don’t like this as much as [name]Bennett[/name] or [name]Benjamin[/name]… It’s just a bit too surnamey for me.
[name]Grayson[/name] (nn [name]Gray[/name]) - love! [name]Grayson[/name] nn [name]Gray[/name] is on my top 5, I think it’s so perfect. :slight_smile:
[name]Sampson[/name] (nn [name]Sam[/name]) - I absolutely adore the nn [name]Sam[/name] but I’m not a huge [name]Sampson[/name]/[name]Samson[/name] fan at all. There’s nothing wrong with it–I just like that [name]Samuel[/name] is much more classic compared to quirky and I like the Biblical character of [name]Samuel[/name] over [name]Sampson[/name], although both had their good moments.
[name]Harrison[/name] - it’s okay, but I prefer [name]Henry[/name] to [name]Harrison[/name]. I can’t get [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Ford[/name] out of my head, haha.
[name]Oliver[/name] - I like it, but I prefer [name]Oscar[/name] personally.
[name]Wylie[/name] - I’ve heard this considered just about equally on girls, and, with its similarity to [name]Riley[/name], I’m a bit hesitant about it. I like it better spelled [name]Wiley[/name], and I think it’d make a good MN…
[name]Lucas[/name] - never been a fan, sorry. I do like [name]Luke[/name], [name]Lucian[/name], and even [name]Luca[/name]/[name]Luka[/name], though.
[name]Archer[/name] - not bad but I like [name]Asher[/name] better. [name]Both[/name] in general and because I like [name]Ash[/name] as a nn over [name]Archie[/name].
[name]Sawyer[/name] - like a lot, and I love the literary aspect to the name. In general, though, I prefer [name]Spencer[/name].
[name]Brody[/name] - love! This is definitely on my boys’ list and I’m currently looking for combos. It doesn’t seem to get much attention on Nameberry but I think it’s a great name.
[name]Graham[/name] - I like it, but I probably wouldn’t use it. Maybe as a second MN if it fit. It has a distinguished, handsome, timeless air, though!
[name]Finn[/name] - like a lot. I’ve been thinking about this lately, in addition to [name]Finley[/name] and [name]Finnegan[/name]… even [name]Phineas[/name], nn [name]Finn[/name].
[name]Arrow[/name] - I like the idea of it but it’s too GPish for me to actually use in real life. I like the idea of it, though, since all the men in my life either were or are military men. :slight_smile:
[name]Leo[/name] - like a lot. It’s a MN for one of my favorites ([name]Boone[/name] [name]Isaiah[/name] [name]Leo[/name]), but I also like it as a nn for [name]Elliot[/name], [name]Leopold[/name], and [name]Leander[/name]…
[name]Hudson[/name] - like a lot. I have a thing for -son names… if I didn’t love [name]Grayson[/name] and [name]Emerson[/name] so much, [name]Hudson[/name] would probably still be on my short list.

From your list, I love [name]Beckett[/name], [name]Grayson[/name], [name]Sawyer[/name], [name]Brody[/name], [name]Finn[/name], and [name]Leo[/name] the best!

Good luck!