Okay, since you asked, here are my honest opinions as a stranger! 
[name]West[/name] ~ Cool, but a little too cool for me. I might do “[name]Westley[/name]” or “[name]Weston[/name]” and call him [name]West[/name]. (But, that’s ME. I have a thing about nn as given name…)
[name]Jackson[/name] ~ Not crazy about it, but respectable enough
[name]Owen[/name] ~ Nice name, but getting to be overused now
[name]Lysander[/name] ~ [name]LOVE[/name] it! (I’m that “eccentric aristocrat” type, though) Would like to see more people bold enough to use it
Rowling ~ I would think, did you name him after J.K.?
[name]Bennet[/name] nn [name]Ben[/name] ~ Cute alternative to get to [name]Ben[/name]
[name]Beckett[/name] ~ Not loving it. Too many connotations for me of famous bearers
[name]Benson[/name] nn [name]Ben[/name] ~ Go with [name]Bennet[/name] if you want to think outside the box
[name]Grayson[/name] ~ Okay
[name]Sampson[/name] ~ Like it. [name]Haven[/name]'t heard it used.
[name]Harrison[/name] ~ I know a sibset of [name]Jackson[/name] and [name]Harrison[/name]. Like I said with [name]Jackson[/name], respectable enough, but not my style. (Unless they’re ACTUALLY family names)
[name]Oliver[/name] ~ [name]Love[/name] it and always will (no matter how popular it gets)
[name]Wylie[/name] ~ Coyote? (Sorry, first thing that popped into my head. Also, wily. Not really what I would want for a son?)
[name]Lucas[/name] ~ [name]Love[/name]. Always have, always will.
[name]Archer[/name] ~ [name]Kinda[/name] cool
[name]Sawyer[/name] ~ Eh, overdone in my opinion
[name]Brody[/name] ~ Cowboy. This is good or bad depending on YOUR taste
[name]Graham[/name] ~ Another classic I love, and not overused, I think. Good choice
[name]Finn[/name] ~ Not a fan of this popular name (and again, I’d want a longer given name)
[name]Arrow[/name] ~ Eh, stick with [name]Archer[/name] if you want to go this route, I say
[name]Leo[/name] ~ Growing on me, but again, I personally would call him [name]Leopold[/name] and use [name]Leo[/name] as a nn
[name]Hudson[/name] ~ Not doing it for me
So, there, hope that wasn’t too harsh. [name]Just[/name] giving you the reactions of a stranger on the street as it were. You do have some lovely picks in there ([name]Lysander[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Graham[/name], [name]Owen[/name]).