Breastfeeding Classes?

At my checkup yesterday, I noticed a flyer for a breastfeeding class. I definitely plan on breastfeeding and was curious - are Breastfeeding Classes necessary or worth it? I’m definitely open to taking the class, but I have a very busy and hectic life…will it be helpful?

Thank you!

  • [name_f]Aggie[/name_f]-

Yes, they are worth it. I read on other forum very hot discussion among young mothers who didn’t know how to breastfeed and other mothers who have been educated about breastfeeding and conclusion was - take a class or find as much possible information on Internet. Because some mothers stop breastfeeding out of ignorance or lack of support.

For something so natural, breastfeeding is ridiculously hard! If you think you could benefit from a class, or you need the opportunity to make some supportive friends, then why not?

Oh my goodness! Absolutely!

The best way to set yourself up for success is to create a breastfeeding network/ support system. The more people involved in helping you succeed, the more likely you will persevere and make it through.

There are different stages at the very onset that are important to educate yourself on. Colostrum is different than milk, for instance. A baby’s tummy is much, much smaller than you may realize, thus his/her requirements are much less than you’d believe in those first few days. Milk doesn’t come in right away…that at takes 3-5 days. And so on…

Also, you may not have any problems breastfeeding at all, however, my experience is that most moms run into bumps along the way. Knowing that support is just a text or phone call away will go super far in giving you the help you may need. Once you make it through those rough waters in the beginning, it’s usually smooth sailing.

I keep telling pregnant moms to quit stressing about their pregnancies and start setting up their breast feeding network. Breastfeeding was so much more challenging than pregnancy or labor was for me.

Great, thank you!

I guess my only real life example was my sister in law, who had zero issues with either of her sons - it seemed as easy as, well, one would think it should be.

I have heard horror stories, of course, and was curious about the helpfulness of taking a few classes.

I never even considered to networking it would allow me, thank you for pointing that out!

Have a great day!

  • [name_f]Aggie[/name_f]-

I found the class really valuable not just for me but for my husband. I had some rough ideas about it and had read up on breastfeeding but my husband had not. Having him come to the class and learn about the different positions and things helped because when I was getting frustrated and loosing my mind with lack of sleep he was able to help me and reassure me.

I didn’t find the class helpful - it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know other than that my insurance company would provide a breast pump, but I think my SO found it very helpful.

I found a breastfeeding support group after I had my baby much more helpful - and I still go to it even though I no longer breastfeed, to offer advice to new moms and see the friends I made there.