
I have this love of the name [name]Bridget[/name], however the one thing holding me back is that I’m not very Irish. Some ancestors were Dutch but had children in [name]Ireland[/name], and I’m either Scottish or Irish on one side, but I don’t know if that would be enough?

However I love the sound, the [name]Goddess[/name], and that it means the same thing as my name.

What does every one think?

I adore [name]Bridget[/name]. I don’t think you have to have a cultural tie to a name in order to use it, but it sounds like you do anyway. What really matters is that you love the name.

I love it & I’m no Irish! But my name & my hair color are so I think using an Irish name would be strange for me.

I find [name]Bridget[/name] very wearable in the US on any girl.

I love the possibility of nn [name]Bright[/name]!

I’m not to fond of the name. It sounds quite harsh to me for some reason. It reminds me of a broad woman. I’ve only ever known one [name]Bridget[/name] and she was from a “very Irish” family. They called her [name]Biddy[/name] for a nn.

I like it. I don’t think it sounds overly Irish and that you shouldn’t worry at all. It’s a lovely name with a lovely association.

As an Irish [name]Brighid[/name] I hereby give you permission to use the name and I may suggest the traditional nickname [name]Bridie[/name] (pronounced [name]Bride[/name]-ee).

I would use [name]Bridget[/name] if I were you - you do have some Irish/Scottish in you! And I find [name]Bridget[/name] to be a classic name that just about anyone can wear.

[name]Love[/name] it!! It was a contender with DD1—but now SO says he doesn’t like it =-(