Brigham--is it usable?

I recently discoverd the name [name]Brigham[/name] and I REALLY like it. However, after I looked up a few things on it I’m wondering if it is usable due to the Mormon association. What do you all think? Thanks!

I don’t see how an association with Mormons would make a name unusable. Honestly, I doubt the general public would know who [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] was in the first place.

I didn’t even think of it until you mentioned it, and then I only thought of the college, which is the only thing I know about [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name]. I think it’s usable.

Everyone will assume you’re Mormon. Everyone. (or else a fan of the [name]Boston[/name] hospital).

I definitely thought of [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] and Mormons immediately. I think most people with have that imagery.

I did think of [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name], because I do know about the university and Mormons. not sure if the common population would though.

I think it’s alright. I know about [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] because we learned about him and the Mormons recently in AP US [name]History[/name]. I don’t think he would be common knowledge though. When I first saw the name, I honestly thought of the similarly named Brigan from the novel [name]Fire[/name] by [name]Kristin[/name] Cashore before [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name]. I think you are alright.

I would assume the parents were Mormon and be surprised if they were not.

Ditto. That, and I just don’t see it as an attractive name, especially with the ham part.

I completely disagree. I think [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] is in the “common knowledge” category, and I think that most people would assume you’re Mormon if you used this name, I, for one, would be extremely surprised to meet a [name]Brigham[/name] who is not Mormon.

I don’t exactly know the association because I don’t know much about Mormons, but I don’t think it’s that much if a problem. People name their sons [name]Cohen[/name]. [name]Brigham[/name] sounds like a [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] name. I like it.

Immediately thought of [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] when I read the thread title, and actually assumed you were Mormon until I read your post. You may like the name [name]Bingham[/name] ("[name]BING[/name]-um") instead? (I’ll be honest…my puppy is [name]Bingham[/name], nickname [name]Bing[/name], but it’s not a typical pet’s name, and I think it would be cute on a little boy, and [name]Bing[/name] [name]Crosby[/name] proves that it can be grown into…though [name]Bing[/name] [name]Crosby[/name]'s real name was [name]Harry[/name] [name]Lillis[/name].)

I love the name [name]Brigham[/name] and would have used it for my son if our last name did not start with an o. It would have created a bad set of initials. I also know a boy named [name]Brigham[/name] nn Briggy or [name]Briggs[/name].

Yeah, I think [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] is definitely in the common knowledge category. To me this would be the epitome of a name given to a kid from a very Mormon family. If I ever met anyone named [name]Brigham[/name] who wasn’t a Mormon I’d be baffled and dumb-struck.

I too thought of [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] immediately and think there is a strong common-knowledge link between the name and the figure. It doesn’t make it unusable necessarily, as your child will eventually make the name his own, but I would expect people to assume that you are Mormon.

HEY GUYS, I’m a member of the Church of [name]Jesus[/name] [name]Christ[/name] of Latter-[name]Day[/name] Saints…or a Mormon, if you’d rather.
[name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] isn’t a bad guy to be named after. He was the man who led our church - after years and years of persecution and watching our martyrs go - into a land where we could practice out religion peacefully. So it’s not like you’ll be naming him [name]Adolf[/name]. Although, I understand that it’s not necessarily the idea of the namesake as it is the association of the church. Depending on where you live, people might not even recognize the name. But I really don’t think it’s a bad thing to be associated with the Mormon church, is it? I’m trying to picture giving my kid a name generally associated with another religion. I don’t think it would bother me. It’s a simple, “Oh no, we’re Catholic, not Mormon.” Or what have you. It’s not a bad association, I don’t think.

I think most people would associate the name with [name]Young[/name] so I’d avoid using it, which is sad because it’s a really cute name.

I know who [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] was and am familiar with the school but I immediately thought of the [name]Boston[/name] hospital because I’m a local. That said, I would not think you were mormon and, even if I did, don’t see why it would be unusable. I know there has been some controvery around [name]Brigham[/name] [name]Young[/name] but it’s not like he’s a known “bad guy” from history.

I’d been more worried that naming a child [name]Brigham[/name] would be offensive to people who are members of the LDS church, but the post above from a LDS member makes it sound like that is not the case. If I met a little [name]Brigham[/name], I would definitely assume that the family was LDS, which doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but that is something to think about if it does bother you.

I’m Mormon, and went to BYU, and I’d assume you were Mormon if I met your son. I like the name for it’s own sake, though. In my area, I probably wouldn’t use it because of it’s associations, even if they are positive.

It does seems like it’s an easy misunderstanding to correct. If I named my son a traditional Jewish name, I think people would quickly realize I wasn’t Jewish after getting to know me, and like my son’s name for it’s own sake. Good luck!