Dear guys,
For two years, my brother and his wife have been trying to concieve. theyve gotten pregnant six times and had four miscarriages and two still births. do you have any ideas on how to help them concieve? my sister in law is taking fertitily pills now trying to concieve. they both are perfextly healthy in their mid twenties.
What “fertility pills” is she taking? No offence, but I think you’d have better luck consulting an experienced medical professional rather than a random bunch of people on a baby naming website.
That is very sweet of you to ask for them, but they need to get it on their own. I don’t see why she would need fertility pills…it sounds like she conceived fine on her own before. There is probably a lot that you don’t know about their situation. She could try alternative medicine, like acupuncture… I have personally had miscarriages myself and don’t know why, so I am sorry, but I am not much help. I am not sure anyone here will be able to help you.
Thanks guys. Im only in my early twenties and my wife and I have always used sperm doners for our pregnancies. Im worried about them being able to have kids seeing as that they are the only ones on my side of the family that can biologically have kids. I dknt know what type or brand of pills she’s taking.