Brother for Elijah

I am due in about 6 weeks, and we are having no luck with a name for our second son on the way.

The baby will have my last name – starts with an S – for a middle name, and his last name will start with an N.

We like Old Testament names, and want the name to go with [name]Elijah[/name]. We were hoping for the name to start with a B,H, S, or T (in memory of grandparents who have passed) but at this point we would go with almost any letter.

Any suggestions? I’d appreciate any help!


[name]Elijah[/name] and brother…
[name]Simon[/name] / [name]Simeon[/name]

[name]Elijah[/name] and…



hi, how does [name]Silas[/name] sound with your middle name/surnames? I have a nephew [name]Silas[/name], he’s gorgeous! I like [name]Boaz[/name] too, if you can carry that unusual name off (nickname [name]Bo[/name]?), as great Bible character too. I also like the other suggestion of [name]Ezra[/name] (if you don’t mind two E names). All the best.