Brother for Emmeline


I am pregnant with your 2nd child. Our daughter is [name]Emmeline[/name] (mn [name]Kate[/name]), a name I just love as it’s not popular but not unusual (if that makes sense!)! However, we are now struggling to come up with ideas for number 2! (We are yet to find out whether this one is a girl or boy - I’m just in to advanced planning!).

Names I currently love are:


What are your thoughts on these and what other ideas do you have? Our surname is Sallinger. Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I’m in the UK.

Thanks in advance!

[name]Hi[/name]! Beautiful name choice with [name]Emmeline[/name]. I really love it. What is her middle name? Your choices for a baby boy a pretty great, too! I think [name]Elliot[/name] Sallinger sounds fantastic. I also think the nickname of [name]Eli[/name] is pretty cute. What do you think of the name “[name]Cash[/name]”? [name]Cash[/name] Sallinger has a funkiness to it! :slight_smile:

Best wishes and Good [name]Luck[/name]!

I don’t think [name]Henry[/name], [name]Elliot[/name] or [name]Edward[/name] are as uncommon as [name]Emmeline[/name]. It appears you prefer classic, dignified names with long histories. I think the following might therefore be a good match:


Twilight has ruined [name]Edward[/name] for me, but if you can live with that or if Twilight isn’t as big in the UK, the go with it.

[name]Elliot[/name] isn’t my favorite way to get the [name]Eli[/name] nickname, and the fact that adventurous parents are giving the name to girls doesn’t help. [name]Henry[/name] is not my favorite, but in the US it isn’t popular, but I think it’s the other way around in the UK.

Here are some strong, unusual (I think) names for boys:


I like [name]Henry[/name] the best of those three. I believe it’s getting quite popular here though (US).

I like [name]Edward[/name] the best from your choices :

Alternatives for a boy:
