We have decided on either [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Lily[/name] or [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Lillian[/name] for a girl, but the perfect boys name is really eluding us.
My husband, [name]Dan[/name], really likes [name]Carlisle[/name]. But we also love [name]Rhys[/name], [name]Rupert[/name], [name]Theodore[/name], [name]Oscar[/name], and [name]Phineas[/name]. We are going to use [name]Daniel[/name] as the mn, unless we pick [name]Carlisle[/name].
Which one do you think is best with [name]Imogen[/name]?
Of the names you listed, I vote for [name]Phineas[/name]. [name]Love[/name] [name]Imogen[/name] too. I keep suggesting it for our second, but my husband isn’t feeling it. =)
[name]Rupert[/name], [name]Theodore[/name], [name]Oscar[/name], and [name]Phineas[/name] are my favorites with [name]Imogen[/name], but I think that [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] and [name]Phineas[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] have the best flow (for me, the T in [name]Rupert[/name] sort of runs into the D in [name]Daniel[/name], and I think [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] is a bit D heavy), so those get my votes. If I were to pick only one, [name]Phineas[/name] is less popular, like [name]Imogen[/name]…
Thanks! Its between [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Carlisle[/name], and [name]Phineas[/name]. I like all three, even though [name]Daniel[/name] can’t be used as a mn for [name]Carlisle[/name].
I am letting [name]Dan[/name] decide…which may take awhile. I will let you know when hes picked something.
With [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name], I’d pick [name]Phineas[/name]. I’m inclined to say [name]Oscar[/name], but it’s much more popular than [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Beatrice[/name]- [name]Oscar[/name] is 131, while [name]Beatrice[/name] is 860 and [name]Imogen[/name] isn’t in the top 1000. My only reservation about [name]Phineas[/name] is that it has the same ending as [name]Beatrice[/name], however, since the emphasis is on the first syllable ([name]BEE[/name]-a-tris/[name]BEE[/name]-triss and [name]FIN[/name]-ee-iss) it’s not too noticible. Also, are you pronuncing [name]Beatrice[/name] with two or three syllables? I think [name]BEE[/name]-triss sounds better with [name]Phineas[/name] since they are a different number of syllables. Plus, [name]Bea[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] are super cute if you go call them nicknames. I’m not fond of [name]Carlisle[/name]. It makes me think of Twilight, and the nicknames aren’t great ([name]Carl[/name]? [name]Carly[/name]? Though I guess [name]Lyle[/name] is cute). [name]Phineas[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] would be my pick for you. But of course, it’s not up to me Go with what you love the most!
And he kind of took this creative freedom and totally ran with it.
[name]Dan[/name] is a big family history nut, and he found out that one of his ancestors, a man named [name]Carlisle[/name] was this really cool guy who did something important (can’t remember what it is at the moment). So then he was hooked on that name.
And then his great great grandfather was born in 1896?, and his name was [name]Charles[/name] [name]Leopold[/name]. We can’t use [name]Charles[/name] as my brother [name]Charlie[/name] has his own little [name]Charles[/name] and so does one of my BILs.
So we have [name]Carlisle[/name] and [name]Leopold[/name]. Neither one is in the top 1,000 and both have good history on [name]Dan[/name]'s side of the family.
MNs will be [name]Wallace[/name] and [name]Stewart[/name]. [name]Stewart[/name] is [name]Dan[/name]'s mn and my FIL’s name. [name]Wallace[/name] is my FIL’s mn and [name]Dan[/name]'s grandpa’s name. So, we have:
[name]Carlisle[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] and [name]Leopold[/name] [name]Wallace[/name]. I’m rather liking [name]Leopold[/name] better at this point…but don’t tell [name]Dan[/name] that.