Brother for Jasper, Dylan and Bixby

It turns out that our unborn ‘little girl’ is actually going to be born a boy.

I’m having twins, Bixby Holden being the name for the other twin, and I already have two sons, Jasper Ryan and Dylan Andrew.

Some names that we like but aren’t sure about are;


There are names that husband and I like, but were used by family;


Our surname starts with L, ends in a double T and has two syllables.

Thank you!


I like [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] [name_u]Holden[/name_u] (and your other children’s names as well) [name_u]Jasper[/name_u], HoldenRyan, [name_u]Dylan[/name_u] and [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] as well as all of the names you listed are familiar sounding. I would honestly use one of those potential names as a middle but then find something more unfamiliar to not make “Bixby” stand out. I noticed [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] is a place name so I’m thinking along those lines with my suggestions / possible combos:

[name_u]Essex[/name_u] [name_m]Rhett[/name_m]
[name_u]Everest[/name_u] [name_u]Cooper[/name_u]
[name_m]Oslo[/name_m] [name_m]Graham[/name_m]
[name_m]Cayman[/name_m] [name_u]Brady[/name_u]

you have amazing taste and i for one LOVE graham with jasper, dylan & bixby.

i would describe your style as sort of gentlemanly western, so here are a few more that fit that description.


[name_u]Jasper[/name_u], [name_u]Dylan[/name_u], [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] and…


I think [name_u]Sawyer[/name_u] works really well.
Perhaps you may like

Thinking something a bit unique, but recognizable, like [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] would be nice.

[name_u]Bixby[/name_u] and…


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You’ll have to forgive any repeat advice, I haven’t read through all the comments…

For [name_u]Jasper[/name_u], [name_u]Dylan[/name_u] and as twin to Bixby…

Of your list:
[name_m]Graham[/name_m] I like for you if you pronounce it with two syllables, the [name_m]Graham[/name_m] who was in school with me only pronounced it with one syllable and I would recommend sticking with two syllable names, since all of your boys have them and [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] is a really strong name, you want something that holds its own and feels like an equal. Gray-am can work, they do both have a similar feel while being very different names.
[name_u]Brady[/name_u] I like with [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] but you’d have to want the 2 b names ending in y (also [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] stands out between the two and I’m not sure how much that matters to you)
[name_m]Rhett[/name_m] I wouldn’t use as it’s just one syllable and contains the tt like your surname
[name_u]Cooper[/name_u] I wouldn’t use as it has the same end sound as [name_u]Jasper[/name_u]

I would think your best options are 2 syllable… Not starting with L, J, D, B or ending in r, n, y, or having any strong tt sounds. I’ll come back with some more suggestions if I think of anything that works well


Off the top of my head. B, d, g, a, k, m, o, s are probably the best end sounds for a name for you if you don’t want to repeat that. And definitely like something that has a similar feel to [name_u]Bixby[/name_u]. I think you have a great sib set there and I’m sure you’ll choose something that goes with them really well!


Husband came up with the name [name_u]Miles[/name_u]. Truthfully, I like it. What do you think?

[name_u]Miles[/name_u] is a good solid name, [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] and [name_u]Miles[/name_u] both have their second letter an I, 2 syllables, and 5 letter… I think they work well as a pair. Neither is super common though [name_u]Bixby[/name_u] does stand out a little more… I think that’s something you’ll likely see with most names. They do have a similar feel to them and [name_u]Miles[/name_u] works with your other boys as well :slight_smile:

Any suggestions for middle names in case we do go with [name_u]Miles[/name_u]

I would suggest sticking with a 2 syllable name in the middle place as well. You could have fun with it and choose something a quite uncommon if you like, just not any word names as technically [name_u]Miles[/name_u] is a word. I like [name_u]Cooper[/name_u] though from your list with [name_u]Miles[/name_u], though I will note [name_u]Jasper[/name_u] ends in the same three letters, if you care about that perhaps something different…
[name_u]Miles[/name_u] [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] I like the sound of
[name_u]Or[/name_u] something very classic like [name_u]David[/name_u] would be lovely also.

Torbin comes to mind.