We just found out that we are expecting our second son. Our first sons name is [name]Tiernan[/name] and we are having a bit of a tough time coming up with a name for his brother. We love unique names and we are not set in stone on another celtic name. Here are some names we are considering:
[name]Dashiell[/name] – We were convinced that this was his name for the longest time but now I am just not positive.
Any suggestions for unique names that go with [name]Tiernan[/name]? Thanks so much!
I actually have a cousin named [name]Tiernan[/name], he just turned one. He has a 10 year old brother, [name]Brenden[/name] and a 13 year old sister [name]Sierra[/name].
If he had been a girl they wre going to name him [name]Eden[/name].
I love alistare(I can’t see your post and how you spelt it). In the past few years [name]Dashiell[/name] has gotten super popular so if you like more unique names I wouldn’t go with that, although it’s cute