Brother to Adelaide & Rosalinde :)

See the results of this poll: Baby brother for Adelaide & Rosalinde?

Respondents: 43 (This poll is closed)

  • Edmund : 29 (46%)
  • Everett : 13 (21%)
  • Ames : 1 (2%)
  • Wade : 0 (0%)
  • Ellis : 7 (11%)
  • Silas : 7 (11%)
  • Roland: 6 (10%)

I voted [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] BUT
So really like your children’s names togetger,
[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] goes well and doesn’t repeat the first initial but has the same d ending which I think is fun because, among other things it’s not super common place and it’s a nice surprise.
But you have [name_m]Ad[/name_m]- do you also want [name_m]Ed[/name_m]- and all 3 names ending in d, it’s so many Ds…
Hartfield ‘[name_m]Hart[/name_m]’
[name_m]Harold[/name_m] ‘[name_m]Harry[/name_m]/[name_f]Ro[/name_f]’
[name_m]Bayard[/name_m] ‘[name_u]Bay[/name_u]’
[name_f]Garland[/name_f] ‘[name_m]Gar[/name_m]’ is -land too similar to lind? It may be…
[name_m]Maxfield[/name_m] ‘[name_u]Max[/name_u]’ might be my top suggestion
[name_m]Ward[/name_m] I just love it and it’s so short with his sister’s so maybe not but [name_m]Warden[/name_m] could work just not exactly, styles a little different… [name_m]Just[/name_m] worth looking at

But I’m loving the field names for you especially … They just fit so well.


My vote went to [name_m]Silas[/name_m], but I also like [name_u]Everett[/name_u] with sisters [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] & [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f]. Ames is nice too.

[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] fits very well stylistically with sisters [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] & [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f], but I find it too repetitive in sound ([name_m]Ad[/name_m]-/[name_m]Ed[/name_m]- & -und/-inde). I do think [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] would be very likely to be called [name_m]Ed[/name_m]/[name_m]Eddie[/name_m] by his peers and if your [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] goes by [name_f]Addy[/name_f] (either now, or later on), again, that would be far too similar for siblings.

Also, [name_m]Roland[/name_m] would be very nice, if it didn’t look and sound so much like [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f].

[name_m]Silas[/name_m] works really well. [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] would be my second pick

I’d suggest
[name_f]Adelaide[/name_f], [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f] and…


[name_u]Love[/name_u] your girls names btw!

Based on style and length, [name_m]Edmund[/name_m], [name_m]Roland[/name_m] and [name_u]Everett[/name_u] all seemed to fit. However the last syllable of [name_m]Roland[/name_m] and [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] sound too similar to [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f] for my tastes. So I voted for [name_u]Everett[/name_u].

[name_m]Edmund[/name_m], [name_f]Adelaide[/name_f], and [name_f]Rosalinde[/name_f] are beautiful together! I don’t think [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] would be nicknamed [name_m]Ed[/name_m] or [name_m]Eddie[/name_m] unless he asked to be; I know an [name_m]Edward[/name_m] and an [name_m]Edwin[/name_m], and neither of their names has been automatically shortened.

THANK YOU all for your input! It’s so hard picking a name!!! Lol

[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] is perfect! I wouldn’t automatically shorten it unless your girls go by nicknames often.