Bryant - pronunciation?

Hey berries,

I am really liking [name_m]Bryant[/name_m] as an honour name for my grandfather, [name_m]Brian[/name_m]. However, how does one say this name??

In my head it seems that it could be either “breye-uhnt” or “bree-ANT”…

[name_m]How[/name_m] do you say it?? Or how have you heard is said?? Is there a “right” or “wrong” way??

Thanks xx

I’m pretty sure it is pronounced
brye-uhnt, at least in Australia:)

ETA- oh, I see you’re from here too. I knew a family with the surname [name_m]Bryant[/name_m] and I’ve also been to a [name_m]Bryant[/name_m] [name_m]Park[/name_m]. All with the pronunciation I mentioned above.

Hmm. Interesting. That is the pronunciation that makes the most sense to me, but I know a family with this as their surname and people say “bree-ant”… hence my confusion!

I pronounce it BRYE-uhnt

I have known a few.


I pronounce it like [name_m]Brian[/name_m], with a t added in the end

You’ll have to tell them that according to Nameberries they are wrong! Haha

I don’t think it’s the type of name that would be mispronounced often, just every once in a while.

[name_f]BRIE[/name_f]*-int (*rhymes with rye)

I’d say it rhymes with giant. For me, that’s BRY-ənt.
I’m pretty sure most people here who are old enough to remember 1996 will pronounce it that way because it’s how [name_m]Martin[/name_m] [name_m]Bryant[/name_m]'s name was pronounced.

For some Aussies with a broader accent it might be more like one syllable (BRINE, then a ‘t’ sound).

I pronounce it like Breye-ant. It’s a pretty common surname where I live, and that’s always how its pronounced.

Like [name_m]Brian[/name_m] with a “T.” Brigh-int.

Okay, awesome! Most people seem to be agreeing.

Thanks everyone!