Based on @lucykath 's!
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for each child and pet. For any of the names, if you have already used that name, use the runner-up.
Your Name:
If your eye color is brown, your name begins with A-G.
If your eye color is blue or grey-blue, your name begins with H-M.
If your eye color is hazel or green, your name begins with N-T.
If your eye color is anything else, your name begins with U-Z.
Spouses name:
If your hair color is any shade of brown, your spouse’s name begins with A-G.
If your hair color is any shade of blonde, your spouse’s name begins with H-M.
If your hair color is black, your spouse’s name begins with N-T.
If your hair color is anything else, your spouse’s name begins with U-Z.
Surname: Anything you choose.
Ages: Anything you choose.
Your occupation is the first step toward achieving your dream job (most likely college).
Your spouse’s job title is one of your parent/guardian’s job.
Year 1: You move into your first dwelling space as a couple. Where is it? What is it like?
If you like mango, you don’t have a child.
If you hate mango, you adopt a dog.
If you have no strong feelings about mango, you have a boy.
If you have never tried mango, you have a girl.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- An old-fashioned name that you still like
- A color name
- A four letter name
- A name of English origin
- A name of Spanish origin
- A name of [name_m]French[/name_m] origin
Year 2:
If you had a child in Year 1, you move to a smaller house.
If you adopted a dog in Year 1, you move to a bigger house.
If nothing happened in Year 1, you graduate/get a promotion.
If the time of that you are playing this CAF is 12:00 am- 6:00 am you do not have a child.
If the time of that you are playing this CAF is 6:00 am- 12:00 pm you adopt a cat
If the time of that you are playing this CAF is 12:00 pm- 6:00 pm you have a baby girl.
If the time of that you are playing this CAF is 6:00 pm- 12:00 am you have a baby boy.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- A name from your favorite movie
- A name from your favorite book
- A name from your favorite TV show
- Your best friend’s name (or a variation of it)
- Your bio mom/dad’s name
- A nature name
Year 3: If you don’t have a pet/child, you adopt a cat. Otherwise, you adopt a dog.
If you have no siblings, you have a baby girl
If you have two sibling, you have a baby boy
If you have three or four siblings, you don’t have a child
If you have five or more siblings, you have twins (you choose genders)
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- Your favorite nature name
- Your favorite color name
- Your favorite name of the nameberry top 10
- Your least favorite name of the nameberry top 10
- Your favorite unisex name
- Your favorite old fashioned name
Year 4: A big life event!
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for a Life Event:
- The first member of the family dies (except your or spouse)
- You move. You can choose to where.
- You get divorced. You may choose to remarry immediately (if so, to who). You may also take a chance at remarrying later in the game, or you may go it solo.
- You’re promoted.
- You’re demoted.
- If you have a pet, they have babies, [name_m]How[/name_m] many? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you keep any (or all)? If so, what do you name them? If you don’t have a pet, you get a pet.
Year 5:
If you have not yet had children DOUBLE your result for this round.
If you have had children, you stay in the same city but move houses. What is the new place like? Is it bigger or smaller? Nicer or worse?
If you are currently burning a candle or incense and you like the smell, you have a baby girl.
If you are currently burning a candle or incense and you hate the smell, you have twins, a boy and a girl.
If you own a candle(s) or incense, but are not currently burning anything, you have twins, two girls.
If you don’t own any candles or incense, you have a baby boy.
If you are currently burning anything other than a candle or incense, you have twins, two boys.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- A name from the greek gods
- A name of royalty (past or present)
- A name from American politics (past or present)
- A name from any historical figure who fought for social equality (past or present)
- A name of a cruel dictator or fearsome conqueror (past or present)
- A name of a famous cartoon or comic book character.
Year 6:
If you were in school, you graduate and get a full time job. You are making good money and you love it. What is your job?
If you were not in school, you get a bad bout of food poisoning in [name_u]January[/name_u]. What did you eat? But you also consume the best cake you’ve ever had this year. What flavor is it?
If you have children [name_m]IRL[/name_m], you have no children.
If you have no children [name_m]IRL[/name_m], you have a baby boy.
If you have no children [name_m]IRL[/name_m] but you treat your pet like a child, you have a baby girl.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for Names
- A four syllable fn, any mn
- A one syllable fn, any mn
- A combination of two names (like, “Renesme”)with any mn
- A fn that means “Brave”, any mn
- Both first and middle names come from pets or stuffed animals you have owned or currently own
- A fn from a place you have lived (street, city, country, apartment complex, neighborhood, etc.), any mn
Year 7:
If you are currently married, you move. Where do you go?
If you are currently unmarried, you have the chance to get remarried. A very lovely person, who you’ve been dating for a bit now, proposes, but he/she has one big flaw.
- They are in serious debt
- They smoke like a chimney
- They have bad breath
- They are deathly allergic to your pets
- They have horrible taste in movies
- They peeked in high school
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you still marry them?
Year 8: Finally, a mostly uneventful year!
If you are wearing a hat, you get a cat. Describe its personality.
If you are wearing glasses, you get a dog. Describe it.
If you are wearing a floral print, you have a baby boy.
If you are wearing plaid, you have a baby girl.
If you are wearing more than one of these items but not all of them, you can choose to have any or none of these things.
If you are wearing all of these items, then you must do each corresponding action.
If you are wearing none of these things, you do nothing this year.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- GP names
- The name that is most cohesive with the names you’ve used so far
- Product/[name_m]Brand[/name_m] names
- Place names
- An occupational name
- A name that is also a surname
Year 9: A pet dies! Which one and how? [name_m]How[/name_m] to the kids react?
If you have more girl children than boy children, you have a baby boy and if you have more boy children than girl children, you have a baby girl.
If you have all of one gender, you have twins of the opposite gender.
If you have exactly 50/50, you have no children.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for names:
- Two middle names but all names of your choice
- Names you think your parents would like
- Names you think your parents would hate
- No mn but fn is anything you choose
- Animal name
- A name whose initials spell something negative (B.O., B.M., A.S.S., etc.)
Year 10: If you have a spouse, they finally get promoted! But something tragic and horrible happens in your life too.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] the die for a Life Event:
- One of your parents dies
- A natural disaster wrecks your house and you loose all our worldly possessions
- You are diagnosed with a chronic disease
- Your youngest child breaks their leg
- You get fired
- You discover that your spouse has a problem with drugs or alcohol. Unless you don’t have a spouse, in which case you dodged a bullet. Literally. You almost got shot in a robbery.
You also adopt a child. It is your last one. You can name him/her whatever you want.
[name_m]Skip[/name_m] ahead one decade. Your youngest child is 10. Your oldest child is 15-20. [name_m]How[/name_m] is your life going so far? What has happened in these ten years?
[name_m]Skip[/name_m] ahead another decade. Your youngest child is 20. [name_m]How[/name_m] are your children doing? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you have grandchildren? What are their names?