CAF - My friends

Literally a CAF from my friend group, I came up with the idea but I’m sure it’s been done before

Random details here in case you just want to play the game & nothing else

IMPORTANT: Please use the privacy filters in your answer!

Also, I might use gender-neutral names on the opposite gender. Maybe I know a girl named Charlie, but I may have put that name for a boy. :slight_smile: And I’m only using people’s first names, not middles! :grin:

This also includes online friends because I don’t have enough IRL- xD

AND, last note I swear, some names are on more than once because I know more than one of them :slight_smile:

DH: Gi0vanny “G!o” , C@nyon, Raym0nd // Kamd3n, J3ffrey, Land0n
DW: 3mma, Trec3ann, Gis3l // C@ylah, Is@bella, Savann@h

DS: Z@yden, J@cob, Ky3rick // Jac0b, M!les, Tim0thy
DD/DS: D@na, Gabri3lla “Gabb!e”, El!se // M@rgaux, El!mir, @shlyn & K@l, Bra3dyn, Br00klyn “BB” // Bry.ce, K0dy, M@x
DD: Em!ly, S@rah, Angel!a // K@itlyn, Kath3rine, H@yli
DS: Laurence (@ethelmary), Bro0ke, K@tsu “Kat” // No@h, Land0n, Aid3n
DS: Reag@n, Ell!ot, Alexand3r “Alex” // M@rk
DC: Ja!den, Tyl3r, Jacks0n // H@yden, Ryl!e, M@llory
DD: S@vannah, Br0oklynn, N@ysha // Jan3, Alesh!a, Olive “Liv” (@liv_clare)


DH: Gi0vanny J3ffrey ‘G!o’
DW: 3mma C@ylah

DSL J@cob M!les
DD/DS: El!se M@rgaux & K@l M@x
DD: Em!ly Kath3rine
DS: Laurence No@h
DS: Ell!ot M@rk
DC: Tyl3r H@yden
DD: S@vannah Jan3

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sorry, just realized I messed up, went ahead & fixed it :sweat_smile:

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DH: Raym0nd J3ffrey
DW: Gis3l Savann@h

DS: Z@yden M!les
DD/DD: ElIse M@rgaux + Bra3dyn K0dy
DD: Angel!a Kath3rine
DS: [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] No@h
DS: Alexand3r M@rk
DC: Tyl3r H@yden
DD: Br0oklynn [name_f]Olive[/name_f]

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DH: Raym0nd Land0n
DW: 3mma Savann@h

DS: J@cob Tim0thy
DD/DS: El!se @shlyn/ Br00klyn Bry.ce
DD: S@rah Kath3rine
DS: [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] Land0n
DS: Ell!ot Alexand3r
DC: Tyl3r H@yden
DD: S@vannah Jan3

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