This will be fun, I love fantasy names! I love this show too.
There is
Pet: (and species of choice)
Adegast, Alador, Amber, Amelia, Amity, Augustus, Azura, Belos, Bill, Bo, Boscha, Braxas, Bria, Caleb, Camila, Cat, Clover, Darius, Dell, Derwin, Eda, Edric, Eileen, Emmiline, Emira, Evelyn, Flora, Francois, Frewin, Gavin, Gilbert, Gus, Gwendolyn, Harvey, Hecate, Hettie, Hunter, Jean-Luc, Jerbo, Katya, Kikimora, King, Lilith, Luz, Manny, Mary, Masha, Matt, Mattholomule, Morton, Odalia, Perry, Philip, Prim, Raine, Roselle, Scooter, Severine, Skara, Steve, Terra, Tinella, Vee, Viney, Willow
Pet names: Barkus, Batric, Clover, Eberwolf, Flapjack, Ghost, Hawksley, Hooty, Maya, Owlbert, Puddles, Tibbles
Last Names (or make up your own): Blight, Bump, Clawthorne, Cutburn, Deamonne, Faust, Hopkins, Noceda, Nosa, Park, Porter, Snapdragon, Vernworth, Whispers, Wittebane