So, while doing some research for a book set in the early 1800s, I was looking at the SSA list for top names in the 1880s (not the year I am looking for but, I thought it would be interested to look at either way) and I realized that it was going to be quite a difficult task to name as many of the names were similar to ones on my list !
So, here is the CAF using the top names of the 1880s !
DH - John, William, James, George, Charles, Frank, Joseph, Henry, Robert, Thomas/Edward, Harry, Walter, Arthur, Fred, Albert, Samuel, Clarence, Louis, David.
DW - Mary, Anna, Emma, Elizabeth, Margaret, Minnie, Ida, Bertha, Clara, Alice/Annie, Florence, Bessie, Grace, Ethel, Sarah, Ella, Martha, Nellie, Mabel.
DS - Joe, Charlie, Richard, Ernest, Roy, Will, Andrew, Jesse, Oscar, Willie/Daniel, Benjamin, Carl, Sam, Alfred, Earl, Peter, Elmer, Fredrick, Howard.
DD - Laura, Carrie, Cora, Helen, Maude, Lillian, Gertrude, Rose, Edna, Pearl/Edith, Jennie, Hattie, Maddie, Eva, Julia, Mertle, Louis, Lillie, Jessie.
DS - Lewis, Ralph, Herbert, Paul, Lee, Tom, Herman, Martin, Jacob, Michael/Jim, Claude, Ben, Eugene, Francis, Grover, Raymond, Harvey, Clyde, Edwin.
DD - Frances, Catherine, Lula, Lena, Marie, Ada, Josephine, Fannie, Lucy, Dora/Agnes, Maggie, Blanche, Katherine, Elsie, Nora, Mamie, Rosa, Stella, Daisy.
DS - Edgar, Ed, Laurence, Bert, Chester, Jack, Otto, Luther, Charley, Guy/Floyd, Ira, Ray, Hugh, Issac, Oliver, Patrick, Homer, Theodore, Leonard.
DD - May, Effie, Mae, Ellen, Nettie, Ruth, Alma, Della, Lizzie, Sadie/Sallie, Nancy, Susie, Maud, Flora, Irene, Etta, Katie, Lydia, Lottie.
DS - Leo, Alexander, August, Harold, Allen, Jessie, Archie, Philip, Stephan, Horace/Marion, Bernard, Anthony, Julius, Warren, Leroy, Clifford, Eddie, Sidney, Milton.
DD - Viola, Caroline, Addie, Hazel, Georgia, Esther, Mollie, Olive, Willie, Harriet/Emily, Charlotte, Amanda, Kathryn, Lulu, Susan, Kate, Nannie, Jane, Amelia.
My Family !
DH - George Edward
DW - Ida Florence
DS - Ernest Benjamin
DD - Pearl Edith Maude
DS - Lewis Claude
DD - Ada Katherine Daisy
DS - Otto Theodore
DD - Effie Flora Irene
DS - August Eddie
DD - Esther Charlotte Jane