CAF With A Twist

tw: drug abuse mention

[name_f]Melina[/name_f] [name_f]Violet[/name_f] Epsom (17) is Ryan’s daughter, not that even she was aware of this until about 6 months ago. The relationship between her mother and he was very brief, stemming from a shared apathy on account of their mutually dysfunctional family backgrounds - her maternal grandparents being serious drug users, who are fully estranged from her mother and aunt [her mum’s older sister] - however it was clearly shallow and never going to last. Melina’s mum left to reunite with her sister shortly after they hooked up for the last time, and it was after moving into the apartment they’d leased together that she discovered her pregnancy. While she contemplated trying to find [name_u]Ryan[/name_u], they’d both used false names when involved - not wanting to divulge too much of themselves - and she subsequently wanted to focus on her unborn child, rather than chasing around a man who could reject [name_f]Melina[/name_f] entirely. Thanks to the support of her sister, who the teen affectionately calls ‘Auntie Dad’ - given how she basically raised her alongside her mum - Melina’s mum was able to finish her nursing degree, and is still working in the field, having transferred to specialise in the mental health sector more recently. This is a little ironic, as [name_f]Melina[/name_f] herself wants to become a therapist - hoping on focusing on addiction, thanks to how she knows her mum and aunt were overlooked in spite of what they witnessed growing up - but the pair joke about it constantly.

Known for her sense of humour - the quick and sarcastic variety; love of [name_m]Garfield[/name_m] memorabilia and collection of renaissance art inspired jewellery, Melina’s firm in her own sense of identity. She always encourages her little cousins - the adopted children of her aunt and her wife - to stay focused on expressing themselves authentically, although her aunt’s careful to ensure [name_f]Melina[/name_f] isn’t encouraging a massive rebellion, as she does entertain with anti-authority sentiments from time-to-time. She and her mum share their home with Dizzy, a cocker spaniel who they found abandoned one day behind a supermarket, and a great deal of begging from [name_f]Melina[/name_f] convinced her mum to let them keep the dog permanently once animal services confirmed she’d been left deliberately, however she’s become the darling of not just the family but also Melina’s friend circle. Dizzy’s friends with the dog of one of her close friends and they frequently go walking or bike riding together, while the dogs run alongside them or play together, although sometimes Dizzy exhausts herself and needs to be carried home.

It was Melina’s best friend who suggested they try and at least find out the real name of her biological father, having one photo taken at a party with her mum. This allowed them to eventually find [name_u]Ryan[/name_u], by focusing on the local area initially - as Melina’s mum didn’t move far away to live with her sister - and after some deliberating between the pair of them, [name_f]Melina[/name_f] approached her mum to ask if she thought they’d correctly identified the right guy. The backstory was what clinched it, as the details from articles about the [name_m]Giraud[/name_m] family matched up perfectly with the story her mum had been told, although currently Melina’s just sitting with the information. Through some more internet sleuthing she’s found out her biological father is married, and doesn’t want to intrude on his life, especially as there could be plans between him and his wife to have a family of their own, which naturally could be thrown into the air with the revelation of an existing child. Her mum’s encouraged her to take her time, and has promised if [name_f]Melina[/name_f] does want to speak to [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] she won’t object or interfer, as it’s not like she has some deep seated issues with him, she merely feels a little awkward at the idea of remeeting him thanks to their daughters’ life not being something he’s had any awareness of.