Calling child by First middle or both

[name_m]Just[/name_m] curious other people’s experience.

I know some people find it strange to go by first and middle name but I’ve never understood that as in it’s still the persons name even if it’s in the middle spot.

I call my son by his first name and nicknames but hardly ever by his middle name. That could change as he gets older but his first name just fits him better for now.

[name_f]My[/name_f] daughters first name is very common like top 10 but it’s what my hubby & I could agree on. Her middle name is [name_f]Juliet[/name_f] which I love even more than her first name.

I mostly call her by her first name but honestly enjoy calling her by her middle name more than her first. She is 15 months and responds to both names.

Would it be strange or confusing for me to call her by her middle name as much or more than her first?

I can’t really think of anyone I know that goes by both first and middle.

Curious if anyone else had a similar experience and how there child responded to it or if anyone is ever confused.

While it’s not common, it is definitely a situation I’ve encountered a handful of times. [name_f]My[/name_f] S/O and one of their siblings both have gone by their middle or a nickname of it as much as their first with their family. After they got older one name definitely “stuck” more, but they still have family members that call them both.

I also have a first cousin who regularly goes by a nickname of her first and middle (i.e. name is similar to [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] and goes by [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] and Alex), and will flop back and forth when introducing herself to new people. I’ve known her for thirty years and I still find it confusing, but I guess no more so than people who go by their middle but occasionally have to use their legal first name :woman_shrugging:

I have another family member who also goes by both first and middle, but that’s because it was intended as a double name and both their parents deferred to a different name as a shorter form. They have voiced a preference for one of them now that they’re grown, but some of their immediate family still calls them the double name or the one they don’t go by now.

I do think it is something that can work, but it also may end up your kiddo has a preference at some point, or if not that you calling her by her middle stays a special thing between the two of you. Either way, I honestly don’t see the harm in it, as a lot of people have several pet names and nicknames among just family or certain groups of friends


[name_f]My[/name_f] husband has always gone by his middle name. His dad preferred to call him by his middle & everyone went with it :slight_smile:

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my name is emilia. i’ve spent my entire life going by emilia, mimi, melia are lots of nicknames for emilia. though this year at school there is another amelia is my class, and to have everything less confusing i generally get called my middle name at school. which is georgina, and at school i’m gigi, gina and georgina. it doesn’t bother me at all!

so no it wouldn’t be confusing!

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Awe thanks for the reply! And you have a beautiful name I love the nicknames!!

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