
[name]How[/name] would you pronounce [name]Cambria[/name] and [name]Cambrie[/name]? I had met someone with the name [name]Cambria[/name] and she pronounced it like I had always assumed it was, then some friends were talking about it and they were saying the name differently (as they knew someone with this name).

What are your opinions on both of these names? Which do you prefer? Are there any other nicknames that you can think of besides [name]Cami[/name], [name]Bri[/name], or [name]Bria[/name]? I don’t mind [name]Bria[/name], but I’m not a fan of [name]Cami[/name] or [name]Bri[/name] (and we have a family member with the name [name]Cami[/name]).

This is a name I really liked in high school, one of my favorite bands was Coheed and [name]Cambria[/name]. I definitely prefer [name]Cambria[/name] to [name]Cambrie[/name], [name]Cambrie[/name] reminds me of [name]Camry[/name], like the car.

I live in a community where the name Cambrian is often used for businesses etc. It is pronounced Came-bree-en. So I just assumed [name]Cambria[/name] was pronounced Came-bree-ah. Which I really like. [name]Cambrie[/name] is also nice but seems incomplete to me. If Cambrian wasn’t such a commonly used name around here for businesses etc, I would consider [name]Cambria[/name] as a first name. For some reason, the name around here isn’t pronounced like cam in camera, but like the word came.

I really like [name]Cambria[/name]… pronounced [name]Cam[/name]-bree-a

I don’t like [name]Cambrie[/name]. Makes me think of the car [name]Camry[/name].

Cambria is also on my favorite names list for girls :slight_smile:

I like [name]Cambria[/name] well enough, I pronounce it cam-bree-ah. [name]Cambrie[/name] feels incomplete and a little juvenile maybe? I would say it cam-bree.

I agree- [name]Cambrie[/name] is very close to [name]Camry[/name] (as in Toyota)
[name]Cambria[/name] is interesting. I think of the Cambrian period, evolution, trilobites…

I too abhor the name [name]Brie[/name]. Ricotta would be better. Oh lordy [name]Brie[/name] is like fingernails on a blackboard to me. Or maybe cheese on a blackboard… Cheese under my fingernails? [name]Just[/name] bad.

[name]Caia[/name] (“CAH-yah”) could work as a nn for [name]Cambria[/name], or [name]Cay[/name].

There is a small beach town on the [name]California[/name] coast called [name]Cambria[/name] and it’s a beautiful name for girl. Unfortunately, the pronunciation is elusive. I believe (and I could be wrong) that the locals call it [name]Cam[/name]-bria, but everyone else says it Came-bria. It means [name]Wales[/name], so it’s a great connection to Welsh roots.

Lol! My sister is [name]Breanna[/name] and we call her [name]Bre[/name]…Well…her boyfriends last name rhymes with Feta, so we call them [name]Brie[/name] and Feta and insist they need a baby names [name]Colby[/name]. She didn’t seem impressed, lol.

I’ve always heard [name]Cambria[/name] pronounced cam-bree-ah and I would assume that [name]Cambrie[/name] is cam-bree. Personally, I prefer [name]Cambria[/name]. The name itself sounds sophisticated and the nicknames are cute.

I would say [name]CAM[/name]-bree-uh. I really like this name. I actually knew someone who was going to name her baby this. She had everything ready for a girl, baby showers and all. She went to her last doctors appointment and found out the baby was actually a boy.

Also thought I’d add my nickname is [name]Bri[/name] :slight_smile:

My dad works for a large countertop company in the Midwest called [name]Cambria[/name]. It is pronounced CAME-bree-ah. I would say [name]Cambrie[/name] as [name]CAM[/name]-bree, though.

[name]Cambria[/name] is ‘cam-bree-a’ and is a very, very old name for [name]Wales[/name]. It’s a great place name. I don’t like it on a person though.