Camp NaNoWriMo

Anyone here doing Camp NaNoWriMo? I’ve heard of it before but I’ve never done it. I’ve always stuck with NaNo in [name_u]November[/name_u] but with everything going on I now have too much free time, and figured I may as well pour some of that energy into Camp NaNo. For anyone who isn’t familiar with it, Camp NaNo occurs in [name_f]April[/name_f] and [name_u]July[/name_u]. In Camp NaNo you can set your own word count- it can be 10,000 words to 50,000 or more or less depending on how much you want to write. Your project can be an old story you want to rewrite, or poetry, or working in a series of short stories, or whatever it is you want to work on.

I’ve been iffy about doing it this entire month but, like I mentioned earlier, I do have a lot of free time and I may as well take advantage of it. I was thinking of sticking to 50,000 words since the story I’m thinking of working on is less of a novel and more of a series of short stories that primarily focuses on my MC as she grows up (though it does spotlight on other characters in her life). I have a lot of ideas and plot-lines so I’ve got some things to work on.

So has anyone done Camp NaNo, or is doing it this year? What did you think and how was it?

I haven’t done it before but signed up for this year with 15000 words. I’m hoping it will help me get last year’s [name_u]November[/name_u] project finished. I don’t have a cabin, so I’ll just do it like a regular NaNo. My username is Auck Rus in case you want to say hi!

I did both Camp NaNos last year! It was my first time doing NaNo outside of [name_u]November[/name_u]. In [name_f]April[/name_f], I started on the 18th haha so I had a goal of 10,000 words. Unfortunately, I had three finals on [name_f]April[/name_f] 30 and one on [name_f]May[/name_f] 1 so I ended up with around 9500… In [name_u]July[/name_u], I set a goal of 30,000 and reached it!

I, too, have found myself with a lot of free time. I really need to force myself to finish second-drafting my NaNoWriMo story. I’m planning to make my goal more time based than word count based because I’m actually trying to cut down words from my first draft lol.

I haven’t been on in awhile so I don’t remember who on NB I’ve added as friends but my username is the same as it is here!

I’m weaveroffantasy- I forgot to add that in. I don’t have a cabin either but I’m fine with that.