
I read a book with a character named [name]Campbell[/name], and I think I like it. [name]How[/name] usable do you think it is?

edit: I wouldn’t name my child Campbell, but it does have a nice ring to it.

I always think of it as a last name. But then again, I know someone named [name]Kennedy[/name] and it works for her so who knows!

It makes me think of the CNN anchor [name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brown[/name]. I don’t love it or hate it, but I definitely think it’s usable.

As a girl named [name]Campbell[/name]?

“[name]Campbell[/name]'s Mmm-Mmm Good!”
Reprisals of “[name]Campbell[/name] is Coming, Hurrah, Hurrah!”

Would not be a lot of fun

I think it’s very unattractive on a girl.

Never trust a [name]Campbell[/name]…
I only think of negative things about [name]Campbell[/name]. The [name]Campbell[/name]'s were a clan in [name]Scotland[/name] who betrayed the highlanders and supported the English.

I have a male relative with the mn [name]Campbell[/name] so I can’t really picture it on a girl.

I love this name!! I would definitely use it, except my SO doesn’t share my feels toward the name. :frowning:
Plus, I prefer [name]Campbell[/name] on a boy rather than a girl. (Though girls where it just as good, if not better.)

[name]Campbell[/name] is a family name for me, but it’s mostly used for the middle name and it’s normally given to the men. So I’d consider using it for a boy, but probably not a girl as I have middle names I like better.

It will always remind me of that news reader with no top lip…[name]Campbell[/name] [name]Brown[/name]. Also, it was a character in a really terrible book. I think it is pretentious.

[name]Campbell[/name] strikes me as silly on a girl and pretentious on a boy. I’m not feeling it.

That’s hilarious. I consider it unusable. I don’t even like the sound of it and don’t see the appeal.

It’d be a nice middle name on a boy. It doesn’t sound feminine to me at all!

I have a little girl cousin named [name]Campbell[/name]! Her older sister’s name is [name]Carson[/name]. They’re both cute little girly girls so I think it helps to balance the masculinity of their names!

I have several girl [name]Campbell[/name]'s in my family sp I can see it working

So I’m convinced it’s not a good choice LOL. But my thought process behind it was that the ending “bell” is girly like [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Isabel[/name], etc.

But it doesn’t have the “bell” sound, only the look. In my accent anyway. If it was pronounced more like “cam-belle” maybe I could see it, but “cam-bul” isn’t girly in the slightest.

I never understood how or why [name]Campbell[/name] is perceived as feminine.