Can I name my daughter Noah?

See the results of this poll: Is Noah off limits?

Respondents: 10 (This poll is closed)

  • Yes! What are you thinking? OFF LIMITS!: 6 (60%)
  • Yes, but if you love it, go for it: 2 (20%)
  • No, they’ll probably never see each other much: 1 (10%)
  • No, its fine: 1 (10%)

You might want to look into a thread that was on here recently about a woman who named her daughter [name]Jasper[/name] and her current mixed feelings about her choice. Of course you can name your daughter [name]Noah[/name]; just be aware that there are some very strong feelings about parents giving traditional boys’ names to girls, and some of them are not afraid to voice their opinion in a way that may be offensive.

For better of for worse, anyone who sees the name [name]Noah[/name] on paper will assume your child is a boy, and at some point in her life will confuse a teacher or secretary.

What if your daughter ends up to be a girly-girl? What would it do to her image if she wears short hair and plays in the mud and, in fact, is mistaken for a boy? [name]Just[/name] food for thought. Definitely check out the [name]Jasper[/name] thread.

Good luck!

Thanks, i didnt know there was a [name]Jasper[/name] topic!

I think [name]Noa[/name]/h for a girl is more common in Belgium than in the US. On a site i found [name]Noa[/name] was in 2006 at 58 but i dont know if its reliable. Though [name]Noah[/name] was on 3 in 2007 for a boy. Im dont know what sites are reliable or not

I know all my girl names are going to be a problem; [name]Riley[/name], [name]Eden[/name], [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Logan[/name] are my top. But after meeting them i hope people will recognize them as female!

The [name]Noa[/name] I know is a little girly girl with darkblond hair :slight_smile:

[name]EDIT[/name]: oeh didnt expect so much ‘offlimits votes’. Im quite shocked.

I say go for it, but, like everyone said [name]Noah[/name] is a guy (slowy) becoming unisex. If you live in US, [name]Noah[/name] is #9, so more than likey there will be a guy in her class with the same name. But if you (and your partner) love it, who cares.

*Also, you want to use [name]Noah[/name] spelled like [name]Noah[/name], and some family member has the name [name]Noah[/name] spelled like [name]Noa[/name], right?

Yes, that [name]Noa[/name] doesnt have an H :slight_smile: Mine would.

Absolutely horrible name for a girl, especially since [name]Noah[/name] recently cracked top ten for boys. Making sure your daughter will always be mistaken for a boy is almost cruel. A girl I went to high school with was named [name]Ronnie[/name], and she legally changed her name to [name]Veronica[/name] because of how much trouble being though of as a boy caused her. (For example parents immediately uninviting her to sleepovers because they of course assumed she was male.)

Genderbending names like unique spellings might seem cute on a little baby, but youre only creating problems for the adult that baby will one day be. Also the fact that it’s a Biblical name makes it almost offensive. Much worse then [name]Riley[/name] or [name]Logan[/name] which come from surnames.

As far as your other names, I think [name]Eden[/name] sounds lovely. My great grandmother was named [name]Edith[/name], so the nickname [name]Edie[/name] has always had a soft spot for me.

“[name]Noa[/name]” is a lovely feminine Hebrew name. It can be spelled with or without the “h,” but in Western society it’s best to drop the “h” so as to avoid confusion with the better-known [name]Noah[/name] of the ark fame.

In the bible, [name]Noa[/name] was one of five daughters of Zelophehad the son of Hepher (who had no sons). [name]Noa[/name]'s sisters were: Mahla, Hogla, Milca, and [name]Tirza[/name].

These outspoken sisters were instrumental in changing the laws of inheritance during their time. Their father had died without sons, and so the sisters petitioned [name]Moses[/name] for the inheritance that normally would have passed to sons: “And the [name]Lord[/name] spoke unto [name]Moses[/name], saying: The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father’s brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them. And thou shalt speak unto the children of [name]Israel[/name], saying: If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter.” (Numbers 27:6-8).

The name “[name]Noa[/name]” means “movement; motion,” and [name]Noa[/name] (with her sisters) was a force of motion for change in her time. I would say that the names of [name]Noa[/name], Mahla, Hogla (okay, not the prettiest of names, that one), Milca, and [name]Tirza[/name] make very good names for budding feminists.

As for your initial question about whether the other [name]Noah[/name] in your family is “too close” for you to name your own daughter [name]Noa[/name] – I think only you can decide that.

– [name]Nephele[/name]

Thanks for that explanation [name]Nephele[/name]!