Can you suggest names to go with big sister Avalon?

There is a family at my school with a girl named [name]Avalon[/name] who is 7. She has an older brother [name]Finn[/name] who is 9, a younger brother [name]Marley[/name] who is 5 and a baby sister [name]Willow[/name] who is 6 months.

The whole family is picture perfect and all have that blonde surfer look.

I love all their names so thought I’d share.

[name]Willow[/name] sounds fantastic with [name]Avalon[/name]! I think this is a winner.

I know a Valentines’ baby named [name]Thea[/name] [name]Valentine[/name]. I have always loved her name.

I also love [name]Willow[/name] with [name]Avalon[/name]! [name]Briony[/name] is another good one. oh, wait I forgot about [name]Greer[/name] or [name]Grier[/name] - Also a great fit with [name]Avalon[/name].

I love [name]Miller[/name] for a boy - very cute with [name]Avalon[/name] and a lovely way to pass on your maiden name.

Thanks! We may go with [name]Miller[/name]. So far, it is the only one we can agree on. Although, he really wants [name]Jack[/name]. He is much more particular about boy names than girls.

Thanks for sharing! I love the name [name]Finn[/name]. [name]Willow[/name] is cute, but my best friend just named her baby girl that so I can’t use it now.

Very cute. Thanks for sharing!

Ooh, I love [name]Gable[/name], but my husband would never go for it.