Can't. Decide!

Hello my friends! I have been debating between two wonderful baby names, first and middle, and can’t decide between!!!
[name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name]
[name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name]
:? I just can’t decide! While [name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name] is more pretty and mystical, [name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name] (kudos to those who figured out where I got the name!) has more of an urbanized feel. At least, to me it is :wink: I could picture my daughter with any one of those names!! Please help!!!

[name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name] would be my pick! It’s so pretty and mystical like you said. I don’t like [name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name] at all, sorry.

Ha, it’s funny because I was watching a news segment about [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] when I read that! That said, I’m not sure [name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name] is the most 2012-friendly name. I personally find it to be a little dated. [name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name] is very pretty and I think it would work a lot better.

I do love J.K. Rowling! As much as I adore her, I prefer [name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name]. [name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name] is beautiful! Although I slightly prefer [name]Sara/name to [name]Serah[/name].

[name]Serah[/name] [name]Luna[/name] IS beautiful, but the spelling could be a pain. My legal name is [name]Sara[/name], and I’ve had to correct people when they automatically add the h. If I had to also tell them it had an “e” I think it would get old, fast. [name]Joanne[/name] is somewhat dated, although I know a 12 year old with that name and it sounds fine on her. (And what name ISN’T dated to some extent, when you think about it.) [name]Joanna[/name] or [name]Johanna[/name] would probably sound fresher. I think the nickname [name]Jo[/name] is great, by the way - very [name]Little[/name] Women. [name]Joey[/name] would be cute too.

I’ll have to say [name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name].

I also agree, I like [name]Joanna[/name] better. And [name]Johanna[/name] a million times more! :).

Would you consider mixing up the combos a bit? [name]Serah[/name] [name]Joanne[/name] or [name]Luna[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name] would be nice options too!

I prefer [name]Joanne[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name]. Though I prefer [name]Joanna[/name] as well. I love [name]Kathleen[/name] though. [name]One[/name] of my favorite names.