Can't Get into Some Forums!

I know at least one other user is having the same trouble. [name]Every[/name] time I try to get into Girls Names, Boys Names, and Momberries, I get this:

Not Found

The requested URL /nametalk/f53/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.21 (Amazon) Server at [name]Port[/name] 80

I am able to get into the other forums. On the main Forums page, I AM able to click on the most recent thread under Girls, Boys, or Momberries, listed off to the right, but I can’t get into the main Girls/Boys/Momberries forums. It’s been like this for maybe a week? Not sure what’s going on. :frowning:

That happened to me a few days ago, but usually if you try again after a few seconds to a minute it will work though.

I have had it three days running with Girls Names and Boys Names but can get into Momberries and [name]Baby[/name] Names.

I can click whatever conversation is most recent and get into GN and BN for that one thread, but can’t get back from there onto the main board of it.