See the results of this poll: Which middle name is best with Jada?
Respondents: 17 (This poll is closed)
- Jada Rae: 13 (76%)
- Jada Peggy: 4 (24%)
Respondents: 17 (This poll is closed)
I think that [name]Jada[/name] [name]Peggy[/name] has better flow, since the ‘ay’ sound repeats in [name]Jada[/name] [name]Rae[/name] ([name]JAY[/name]-da [name]RAY[/name])… Also, [name]Peggy[/name] honors TWO people. I think that [name]Peggy[/name] is a bit more unexpected as a middle name, too…
Good luck!
I exactly second this. [name]Peggy[/name] is so sweet!
I voted [name]Jada[/name] [name]Rae[/name], because i liked it better.
Didnt think of the [name]JAY[/name]-da [name]RAY[/name] prn, i say it like jah-da soo yea…
Thanks for the comments, everyone!! We haven’t knocked out [name]Rae[/name] quite yet, but we’re definitely leaning towards [name]Peggy[/name] as a middle name. Thanks again to all!!!
Whithout knowing how long or short your last name is, it’s hard to know exactly which name flows best… But I voted for [name]Jada[/name] [name]Peggy[/name].
I think [name]Peggy[/name] is more interesting and unusual but also very nicknamey and I definately think [name]Jada[/name] [name]Rae[/name] flows better, even with the repeated sound. [name]Jada[/name] [name]Peggy[/name] has two syllables eachother and just doesn’t fit at all for me.