Caracy for a Boy?

I am not pregnant but I am just wondering what others think of the name Caracy. It is a rare name that Namberry doesn’t even have (Not being disrespectful). It is a boy’s name that means truth. It also has other meanings.

How is it pronounced?

Caracy is intriguing. Reminds me a bit of [name_u]Calloway[/name_u] or [name_u]Clancy[/name_u] - kind of cool

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It’s interesting for sure, I like it! I get soft, sensitive Cary/Cassidy vibes.

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Caracy is interesting, I think it’s cool! It reminds me of [name_u]Clancy[/name_u] & [name_u]Caraway[/name_u]

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Sorry for the last reply, it is pronounced care - is then the long e sound.

It reminds me of heresy or lunacy, sorry.

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