I’m currently likeing Carolie especially with the nn of [name_u]Caro[/name_u]. What do you think? I think it’s more pretty & unusual than [name_f]Caroline[/name_f].
I like the flow, it’s quite pretty! I do prefer [name_f]Coralie[/name_f] though I admit
I think [name_u]Caro[/name_u] is an adorable nickname, and I understand the appeal of Carolie, but I must admit that I do prefer [name_f]Coralie[/name_f], and that I suspect you’ll have some pronunciation or spelling issues. If that’s not a problem for you, I say go for it!
I personally prefer [name_f]Coralie[/name_f], but I can see why Carolie might appeal! I must admit that I would probably assume it to be a typo at first glance, though.
I don’t dislike Carolie but I did mistake it for [name_f]Coralie[/name_f] on first glance and it doesn’t sound like I was the only one. Nn [name_u]Caro[/name_u] is really cool!
It’s really cool!!! I love unique names