Caroline Rylie?

See the results of this poll: Girl middle name or Caroline?

Respondents: 38 (This poll is closed)

  • Rylie : 5 (13%)
  • Rylee : 0 (0%)
  • Riley : 35 (88%)
  • Ryleigh: 0 (0%)

I voted for [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Riley[/name]. The other spellings are tacky, honestly.

I agree with southern.maple the other spellings look tacky! I can appreciate [name]Riley[/name] on a girl but at least spell it right. Trendy spellings only cause the kids a ton of headaches throughout their life. [name]Caroline[/name] is a beautiful choice :slight_smile:

I like [name]Riley[/name] or [name]Reilly[/name] as a spelling. That said, I don’t quite love the pairing because “-line” and “[name]Ry[/name]” put that long I sound back to back in a way that feel like a lot of “I” to me. It’s a small complaint, though. If you aren’t bothered, go for it!

I like [name]Riley[/name] best (simple spelling) unless ‘[name]Lee[/name]’ is a family name then [name]Rylee[/name] would be perfectly fine for Middle name.

I hate it, I hate these faux-unisex names that people like to saddle on little girls, especially with the jacked up, trendy spellings. [name]Caroline[/name] is a WONDERFUL choice, [name]Riley[/name] - terrible.

Agree with this exactly.

I love [name]Caroline[/name], and [name]Riley[/name] is fun and spunky.