Casper WDYT? & poll

See the results of this poll: What is the best middle name for Casper?

Respondents: 24 (This poll is closed)

  • Casper Dane: 10 (42%)
  • Casper Bennett : 9 (38%)
  • Casper Levi: 5 (21%)

I voted for [name]Caspar[/name] [name]Dane[/name].

I voted for [name]Casper[/name] [name]Dane[/name], too. I love [name]Bennett[/name], but I don’t think it flows very well with [name]Casper[/name]'s p sound.

More you may like:

[name]Casper[/name] [name]Charles[/name]
[name]Casper[/name] [name]Donovan[/name]
[name]Casper[/name] [name]James[/name]
[name]Casper[/name] [name]William[/name]

I’d just stay away from M middles with [name]Casper[/name], because when I see [name]Casper[/name] M____ (or say it out loud), the M attaches to the “sper” in [name]Casper[/name] to sound like “sperm.” :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I think [name]Casper[/name] is a lovely name, much nicer than [name]Jasper[/name]. If it weren’t for the friendly ghost I imagine it’d be much more popular.

But how familiar will [name]Casper[/name] be to kids growing up his age? I know [name]Casper[/name] the ghost is still around but not like in the 90s when he had a big movie (which I really liked btw).

[name]Casper[/name] [name]Dane[/name] probably flows best although [name]Bennett[/name] is the best name of the middles imo. Although I’m fond of [name]Levi[/name] too. I’d rather go with [name]Casper[/name] [name]James[/name] than [name]Dane[/name] or find something else one sylable with a strong A sound.

Thanks [name]Jill[/name]. I like [name]Casper[/name] [name]Donovan[/name].

I like [name]Casper[/name] [name]James[/name], but in case he doesn’t like [name]Casper[/name] when he’s older, I want a name I love in case he wants to go by that :), but I don’t think it will be a problem. I read an interview with [name]Casper[/name] [name]Wells[/name] (baseball player), where my husband got his name.

He says, “When I was younger, like elementary school, and middle school, it was like, “[name]Casper[/name] the Friendly Ghost, hahaha.” Then, in high school, it was more like, “So, is that your nickname, or is actually your real name?” When college came around, it became more like, “Oh, that’s so cool.” Now, it’s kind of nothing.”

And with kids today having more adventurous names and not all of them are named [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Brian[/name] like when I went to school, I think my [name]Casper[/name] will stand out and fit in at the same time. I hope that made sense. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all of your help!

What about [name]Casper[/name] [name]Julian[/name]?

[name]Don[/name]'t love [name]Julian[/name], but thanks for the suggestion.

I think [name]Casper[/name] is a cool name and ready for a comeback. [name]Love[/name] it!!!

I voted for [name]Casper[/name] [name]Dane[/name].

[name]Casper[/name] is the name of my dog. So, I can’t really see it as a name for a human.


That’s too funny. I know a [name]Caspar[/name] [name]Bennett[/name]-[name]Levy[/name] so I think both [name]Bennett[/name] and [name]Levi[/name] go great :slight_smile: [name]Casper[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] is my favourite though. Great choice.

You could however go a slightly different route. Since [name]Caspar[/name] was one of the Three Wise Men, the three kings who visited baby [name]Jesus[/name] with gifts, you could go with a middle name that means “[name]King[/name]”: [name]Casper[/name] [name]Leroy[/name]

I really like [name]Casper[/name], funnily enough the only [name]Casper[/name] I know actually is a [name]Dane[/name]! So [name]Casper[/name] [name]Dane[/name] makes me think of him but I do think the names work well together, the solid [name]Dane[/name] balancing out the more unusual [name]Casper[/name].

My only reservation ( and this is just me being pedantic!) would be the the initials C.D. Surname sounds like ‘Seedy’. Does that mean the same where you live as it does here (UK)? I don’t think many people would pick up on it- it’s just what immediately sprung to mind for me.

I love the name [name]Casper[/name]! It’s on my list, spelled [name]Caspar[/name] (a town on the [name]California[/name] coast). Of your choices, I like [name]Casper[/name] [name]Bennet[/name], but I also liked the suggestion of [name]Casper[/name] [name]Donovan[/name].