See the results of this poll: Pick your fave
Respondents: 11 (This poll is closed)
- Cassandra Eleanor (Cassie): 5 (45%)
- Cecilia Eleanor (Celie): 6 (55%)
Respondents: 11 (This poll is closed)
I voted for [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name].
Though I must admit, I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] - I just do not think it flows well with [name]Eleanor[/name].
I clicked [name]Cecilia[/name] by mistake!!
I definitely prefer [name]Cassandra[/name]. It’s a gorgeous name, both are pretty but [name]Cassandra[/name] just has the edge for me. And [name]Cassie[/name] is adorable and friendly