We’ve decided on [name]May[/name] as the middle name for our first child, a girl due in 3 weeks. We’d like a first name that starts with C. My all-time favorite is [name]Celeste[/name]. DH would like some other alternatives. I really like [name]Charis[/name] (pronounced kar-is) because it means “grace of God” which is lovely. I also like the name [name]Clover[/name], which sounds fresh to me.
I adore both [name]Celeste[/name] and [name]Clover[/name].
I’m not as keen on [name]Charis[/name] and I think there would definitely be pronunciation issues.
Other suggestions:
I love [name]Celeste[/name] and [name]Clover[/name]. They’re both wonderful! [name]Charis[/name] isn’t my style and I don’t really like the way it looks, but it’s pretty sounding. I do agree you will probably get some pronunciation/spelling issues though. [name]Carys[/name], maybe? It’s the more heard of spelling. I think I prefer [name]Cerys[/name] though (KEH-riss). They both have the same lovely Welsh ‘grace of god’ meaning.
Anyway, I’m having trouble deciding which I love more between [name]Clover[/name] and [name]Celeste[/name]. [name]Celeste[/name] is gorgeously French and delicate with a vintage feel, whilst [name]Clover[/name] feels fun and fresh and old fashioned. I just don’t know.
All of your names are wonderful but there is one that stands out - [name]Celeste[/name]. This name has a lovely meaning of “heavenly” , it has an elegant look and sound and I think it would be the best name for a little girl as well as a mature woman. [name]Charis[/name] and [name]Clover[/name] seem to be stuck in childhood and I have a hard time imagining a grown woman with these names. These two names may be better in the middle spot. [name]Celeste[/name] [name]May[/name] is quite gorgeous! If you like [name]Celeste[/name], maybe you would like [name]Camille[/name], [name]Colette[/name] or [name]Corinne[/name]? But I still have to say that [name]Celeste[/name] is my fave, followed by [name]Camille[/name] and [name]Corinne[/name]. I knew a girl in high school named [name]Celeste[/name] and she was an intelligent, gifted, self-confident and classy young woman even as a teenager! That was a ringing endorsement of the name for me! All the best, [name]Mischa[/name].
[name]Charis[/name] is my favorite (though I think [name]Carys[/name] is a little easier spelling/pronunciation wise) very closely followed by [name]Celeste[/name]. I love both. I really dislike [name]Clover[/name].
I also prefer [name]Carys[/name] spelling to [name]Charis[/name]. My favorite from your list is [name]Celeste[/name]. [name]Celeste[/name] [name]May[/name] is so pretty and will grow with her very well. Some other C- names (sorry for any repeats):
[name]Chiara[/name] (kee-ar-ah, Italian version of [name]Claire[/name])
[name]Ciara[/name] (keer-ah, Irish)
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! Hopefully DH will come around to [name]Celeste[/name] as THE name for our little girl. I will keep everyone posted!