Challenge for you, Berries! What to name Cassius and Apollo's sister?

[name]Hi[/name] Berries, a friend of mine has asked me to post on her behalf. She already has two sons with wonderful names ([name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name] nn [name]Cass[/name] and [name]Poe[/name]). I happened to mention that both boys have double letters contained in their names so it was a nice subtle connection between them. She’s now expecting a girl and would like to continue the theme if possible (eg. if she finds a name she loves). I’ve told her I will make a list of girls names with double letters for her. The names I’ve collected so far are below but nothing is jumping off the page for me as yet. There are only a few which have the same style and substance as [name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name].

The criteria: no names beginning with “C”, “A” or “H” (surname is [name]Hale[/name]). Preferably, names in the Latin, Greek, classical, mythological or quirky word styles.

Question 1: Are there any names you list from the list below?
Question 2: Can you think of any more double lettered girls names that I can add to the list?Thanks for your help!

Note: I think the name [name]Persephone[/name] would be lovely with her boys but I’m saving that for later if she doesn’t find one here to go with her desired theme.


[name]Estella[/name] ( a top contender)
[name]Roxanna[/name] (another contender)
[name]Marcella[/name] (ok)
[name]Corinna[/name] (love it but it’s the same initial as [name]Cassius[/name])
[name]Camilla[/name]/[name]Camille[/name] (same initial)
[name]Drusilla[/name] (not a fave)
[name]Priscilla[/name] (too prissy)
[name]Isabella[/name]/[name]Isabelle[/name] (too popular)
[name]Gabriella[/name]/[name]Gabrielle[/name] (too common)
[name]Arlette[/name]/[name]Bernadette[/name]/[name]Claudette[/name]/[name]Colette[/name]/[name]Violette[/name]/[name]Yvette[/name] etc…
[name]Adrienne[/name]/[name]Vivienne[/name]/[name]Fabienne[/name] (too bland?)


[name]Calliope[/name] (love it but it has same initial as [name]Cassius[/name])
[name]Callista[/name] (don’t know if I think this spelled with two l’s and again the same initial)
[name]Callisto[/name] (same initial as [name]Cassius[/name] and ends the same as [name]Apollo[/name])
[name]Cassandra[/name] (same initial)

Quirky Words


Of the ones you posted I like [name]Tallulah[/name]. But I think [name]Lyra[/name] would be perfect for her desire no double letter

[name]Olympia[/name] would be my vote.

My picks from your list:
[name]Estella[/name] - I’m not a fan of [name]Stella[/name] on it’s own, but I love [name]Estelle[/name] and [name]Estella[/name], nn can be [name]Essie[/name] instead, which is super cute!
[name]Bettina[/name] - I adore “[name]Bet[/name]” names, perhaps [name]Elisabetta[/name] or [name]Isabetta[/name]? I’m in love with [name]Isabetta[/name] as an alternative to super popular [name]Isabella[/name]
Speaking of [name]Isabella[/name], I like [name]Sabella[/name] instead of [name]Sybilla[/name], and perhaps she would like [name]Bellatrix[/name]?
[name]Jessamine[/name] - a new fave
These are the ones that I think would sound best with [name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name].
Some others with double letters:
[name]Cressida[/name] (starts with C though)
[name]Aquinnah[/name] (unfortunately starts with A, I love it as a full name for a girl [name]Quinn[/name])
[name]Dellina[/name], [name]Della[/name], [name]Delly[/name]
[name]Loretta[/name], [name]Coretta[/name], [name]Etta[/name]

I like [name]Persephone[/name] too! [name]Estella[/name] is also pretty.

What about [name]Esmeralda[/name]?

She may have to give up on some of her rules, it’s really limiting.
Names that can hold their own with [name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name]:


Thanks for your posts, ladies! I think I may have to make two lists.:slight_smile: I’ll be adding [name]Sapphira[/name], [name]Odessa[/name], [name]Bellatrix[/name], [name]Thessaly[/name] and [name]Thalassa[/name] on the double letter list and [name]Lyra[/name], [name]Olympia[/name], [name]Clio[/name], [name]Delphine[/name], [name]Esmeralda[/name], Phoenicia, [name]Elara[/name] and [name]Xanthe[/name] on another list. Keep your ideas coming, Berries! Lots of heads are better than one!

It’ll be so cute to continue the myth theme. :slight_smile:

[name]Dianna[/name] (actually the roman goddess use one ‘n’ if I’m not mistaken)
Bellona (nn [name]Bella[/name])

[name]How[/name] about [name]Elettra[/name]?

[name]Isabella[/name] Rossellini has a daughter by that name --elettra rossellini wiedemann. It’s a variant of the Greek [name]Elektra[/name] and means “shining, bright, radiant”. In Greek mythology, she is the daughter of [name]King[/name] Agamemnon.

I like [name]Linnea[/name] the best, and I also love [name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name]! Wonder why they don’t call him [name]Paul[/name] for a nn? [name]Callista[/name] nn [name]Callie[/name] would also be nice.

I love [name]Persephone[/name], [name]Delphine[/name], [name]Olympia[/name], [name]Estella[/name], and [name]Thalia[/name]

I think [name]Linnea[/name], [name]Thessaly[/name] and [name]Sybilla[/name] are all just perfect. They don’t violate any of your friend’s rules and they all have double letters and classical resonance.

W/[name]Cassius[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name], I think these would sound the nicest:


I’ll be adding [name]Daphne[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name] to my “non-double letter” list. Thanks.

[name]Kallista[/name]. The original name is with a K, so I think it is okay to not go with a C. It has the same first sound as [name]Cassius[/name], and the same double letters as [name]Apollo[/name], so it would tie in with both boys. I think there could be several nn’s one could form from this name as well.

I think [name]Gemma[/name] could work. It is a star in the corona borealis constellation.

I’m not that great at suggesting names, but a double letter name that hasnt been mentioned is [name]Zinnia[/name].

I think Daphne and Thalia are your best choices so far? What about Kalypso?

I like [name]Millicent[/name] the most from your list because it has the same powerful/epic feeling as the boy’s names. Thaissa comes to mind.

[name]Alcyone[/name] has been on my radar lately, though it does start with an A.